Chapter 9 Madness

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Just a heads up Eripio means rescue or rescuer in Latin. Please comment on the writing, this is my first story and I really need some critiques. Thank you and enjoy.


Chapter 9 Madness

"Headmaster, there is a rise in power in the North Pacific region,"

"What is happening?" asked the headmaster.

"It's causing volcano eruption throughout the Hawaiian Island chain, with some massive winds and waves; the computers can't measure the level."

"Hurry, dispatch any General of the Eripio team who is available. I will put force field around that whole region."

"Yes, right away."

~Knight POV~

*mind link* Attention Generals, anyone who is available be ready in 10 seconds for transport. *link end*

Being a vampire has its kinks; it took me less than a second to get ready. Generals in the Eripio team hardly have any days off, its work, train, rescue and repeat; but it's been my life for the past decades I had been here.

*mind link* General Knight, Ready. *mind link end*

In less than 5 seconds I was transported to where the problem was. The quirks of being a General we have all the latest technology that can help us in any terrain. Be it the cold mountains, the dessert, it doesn't matter where we were sent to, we all have the right gadgets to help us, so we don't have to use our powers unless its necessary.

Right when I got to the place it was hot and windy all over, good thing I have good eyesight and I knew I was in the middle of the ocean. I just turned my watch into aquatic mode and it turned into a water ski and I landed in ocean as water splashed everywhere. I looked to my side and of course my friend General Taylor was already here. I saw that he was frowning, he got wet as I landed and I just laughed at him.

I was too preoccupied with just laughing at Taylor that he just pointed in front of me, motioning me to look in the front of me, as I slowly turned to look, my laugh turned into a smile, to a confuse look and then to a shock all in one second.

The scene before me was just, impossible, never had there been a person able to control the elements in history. Heck it's been a millenniums, as far as I the only person who is an elemental is the Headmaster, although he can only control it to an extent but this, this is beyond that.

The clouds above turned to ash grey to black in a moment creating a hurricane-like clouds in the sky, the winds where so wild that we had to turn to our level 5 shields on the water ski, while the waves began to rise foot by foot; I mean I wasn't scared it's just too damn confusing. Damn, I mind linked to Taylor and told him that we should get closer to see who is causing this. We had to do a few tricks to avoid some 15 ft waves, despite my shock, it was kind of fun, like laughing in the face of danger. As we got closer we could see remains of a plane, I am assuming it exploded, the heat from the volcanoes can be felt from where we were which made me even more confuse.

It was a good thing the Headmaster is creating a force field throughout the whole Pacific North Region, as we got closer to a few feet away we could see a bright light in the sky, I mind linked Taylor to go into airspace mode and so we did. Our water ski turned to a sky surf board with thrusters on both end. We both managed to ride the wind to exactly where the light was at. Too bad for me I had to cover my eyes a little or I might go blind from the light. Taylor was getting close to the light, before I could mind link him to not touch it, he did, I thought something was going to shock him but it didn't. The moment he touched the light, everything came to a stop, the wind stopped howling, the volcanoes stopped errupting which was visible from where I was at in the sky and the clouds above started to turn gray and slowly turn back to its white puffy color.

I slowly made my way to where Taylor was at, the light slowly receded, and I could see why he was smirking. Taylor can be distracted sometime, but he was good at what he does, there were two people floating in the air, they look like they are in their late teens, I am pretty sure that they are both girls from the smell and I can guess that they maybe twins, but the other one was dressed up as a guy, I wonder why. The girl in the yellow dress, she looks stunning and I can see why he was smirking, I saw what Taylor was about to do, oh no Taylor don't do it. Taylor was getting close to the girl in the yellow dress, I think he was about to kiss her, when both of the girls eyes opened. The girl's eyes were strikingly beautiful but at the moment they look very angry and dangerous.

The girl in the yellow dress, her eyes where black and they slowly cracked to reveal a fiery furnace behind them, like the fire in her eyes were alive. The other girl, her eyes were white, they slowly melted into the most gorgeous lightning blue eyes I ever seen, with a hint of grey in them, I could have sworn I can see clouds moving wildly in her eyes.

The moment the girls eyes opened they both looked at that idiot in front of them. I could see that Taylor was taken aback from the girl's eyes; I slowly glided towards Taylor to out reach out and pull him back when the girl with the cloud eyes tilted her head to the side and I stopped midway. She was looking at me, I felt like she could see through me, right to my core and she nodded and looked back to Taylor. Her eyes changed from light grey to dark blue and I thought, oh no!

Before I knew it, Taylor was held in the throat by the girl with the dark blue eyes, she took him right from the protection of our Level 5 force field, it's the most strongest shield known in our realm which was made by the Headmasters himself. I was too shock to notice what was happening to Taylor by the time I came to my senses Taylor's physique changed in a matter of seconds, one second he was lean and build and now it was turning into a tree, his left arm from muscle to dark green tree trunk color to branches, before his right arm could turn, he reached to his back and got his silver knife hidden inside his pants and was about to stab the hand that was choking him, when the girl in the yellow dress used her other hand to try and stop it but Taylor slashed her hand instead.

Taylor's hand burned as his knife slowly melted silver all over it, while I thought it was blood gushing out of the girls hand, it was not, it was hot molting lava. Taylor was catching on fire from the lava blood because half of his body was tree-like, I rushed in grabbed him, that's when we were hurled back with a force so massive that the training I had, felt more like a brush on my face. Good thing our sky boards can follow us and we crushed into the ocean, it felt more like a force of a thousand tanks hitting me. By the time I came to my senses, I was somewhere in the bottom of the ocean, I was thankful for my vampire abilities that I can swim fast, it took me a minute to get back to the surface with Taylor who's unconscious.

That's when I saw everything, its madness.

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