Chapter 8 Flight 447

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Chapter 8 Flight 447

The ride to the Honolulu Airport was supposed to take about 10-15 minutes but it took about half an hour to get there. There was traffic on the highway, some idiot collided into another car like some pinball accident and from the looks of it, and no one survived. It was a good thing the twins didn’t pay too much attention on what’s going on outside, Nina being not much of a morning person put on earphones and covered her eyes with her beanie and was just simply relaxing on the chair. Uila on the other hand, was busy going through her bags trying to find her make-up bag and jewelry box to even bat an eye at what was happening outside.  They made it to the airport and it was packed, many different people come to Hawaii for vacation in the islands and it was never quiet.

They all stepped outside the taxi; Aiden paid the driver and got their luggage out. Aiden only had a medium Armor black duffle bag and a dark grey Nike pack bag, Nina had a normal size suitcase with a black Timberland pack bag that looks like a bulletproof vest, while Uila had two huge suitcases, with a red Chanel back bag and another Chanel purse. Nina was pulling her own suitcase, while Uila got help from her dad pulling her other suitcase.

The inside was worse than the outside of the airport, so many people everywhere, and the twins stood still as they looked around the airport. From the shiny marble floors to the wonderful display of the Hawaiian culture on the walls, the hand carves ceilings; the twins were just in awe considering this is their first time to the airport. Aiden had to snap his daughters out of looking around, Uila was just squealing all the way to the counter, while Nina was just silently looking around, Aiden looked behind him and just smiled and glad that his daughters are enjoying themselves.

They got checked in at the Big Island Airlines, Aiden paid extra for the luggage, since it was those medium planes, one person was limited to one suitcase weighing only about 40 lbs, he didn’t mind, just as long as his girls are happy. They finished checking in the luggage, now they had to stand on quite a long line to go through TSA but they quickly got through, the twins just gasp, as they got into the terminal where all the shops were at. Aiden looked at his watch and saw that it’s pass 12, looking at his girls they were just staring, he told his girls “you both got 20 minutes to look around and come back here, I will be waiting.” Before he could finish they both storm off to each side. Aiden went and got himself a bottle of water and some gum; he just sat himself down on one of the chairs facing the spot where he told his girls to meet up at.

Uila stormed to the right, she saw a shop that has magazines, and she needed to update her fashion sense. So she bought about 6 magazines, from Elle, Marie Claire, Vogue to Glamour, she was on a roll. She squealed as she saw some new issues, she can’t wait to order some more stuff when she gets back home to the base.  Nina ran to the left because she spotted books, she caught her sight on the House of Night Series; she was excited and bought the last copy of the ninth book Destined. Nina never really cared for having a favorite type of genre for books; she read anything that could psyche up her interest. Nina would read from Harry Potter, to the Twilight Series, the Vampire Diaries, and the Dragon’s Sons, to even Japanese Manga. To her if the first few pages don’t excite her; she would just put it away and find another book. Nina saw some chocolate macadamia nuts, she quickly bought four bags, it brings back memories when her dad would leave on a trip somewhere other than the Army, he would bring them along. She also bought some snacks that they had around the cashier table.

Both the twins were done with what they wanted before their 20 minutes were up, so they both went to the spot their dad was at. They both stood at the spot as their dad walked to them, Nina was going through her bag and got two bags of the chocolate nuts she got and gave one to her dad and to her sister. Uila was excited to get, she went through her bags and got out two medium boxes, it was a chocolate macadamia nuts with caramel filings, and she gave each one to her sister and to her dad. They all said their thanks to each other and made their way to the gate they were supposed to go to. 

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