Chapter 22 Bloodmate

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Chapter 22 Bloodmate

After heading to the Forbidden Forest in the morning, the twins, Blaise and Taylor all came back out in the evening. Uila got to meet all of Nina’s friends, at first she was just looking at them and then she just smiled; accepting all of them. Nina on the other hand was quite surprised that her sister didn’t scream or run around or even panic at the sight of them. Nina was just glad that everything turned out ok. While the twins were busy talking to all their new friends, Taylor was just silent the whole time with his eyes so wide it could pop out any minute. The twins’ grew hungry, since they didn’t have breakfast; everyone escorted the twins and the others to the edge of the forest, while Yara and Slyders went back to the ocean. Once they got to the edge, the twins said goodbye to everyone in the forest and they whispered something to Zafrina and she nodded and flew off. Once Taylor was the other side of the forest, he ran towards the grass and kissed it. Blaise still had Nina’s duffle bag which she forgot about when they were in the forest.

Blaise walked to the twins ignoring his friend kissing the grass “I got a message from the Headmaster, you both start tomorrow; school that is. I suggest you two get a goodnight’s sleep, first days are always exhausting. Oh! Nina, here’s your bag.” Blaise handed it over to Nina, when their hands touch, Blaise could feel like there was an electric current had just passed through his hand, it didn’t leave pain, but a lingering pleasure in a split second the moment their hands met.  Blaise looked in Nina’s eyes, to see if she felt it too, but he didn’t see anything “Did you feel that?”He asked Nina, Nina looked confused “feel what?” Blaise was certain that he felt it and so should she, but she didn’t feel anything. Blaise was puzzled about it, he knew the basics of being bloodmates; unless there is something more to it. Blaise just laughed and scratched the back of his neck, “Nothing, must have been the wind.”

“Nina hurry it up, I’m starving” called out Uila who was standing folding her arms looking bored. Blaise didn’t want to see her go but he knew that he will see her tomorrow. “Nina, um tell your sister that someone will be there in the morning to escort you both to the auditorium. Ok!”

“Yeah, sure. See ya!” She waved at Blaise walking away and laughed at Taylor who was just lying on the grass.

Nina and Uila just walked towards their building, while Blaise was just staring at her the whole time. “You know, staring is rude” Taylor said while on the grass, “Shut it, tree man” he retorted. Blaise used his vampire speed to pass through all the rooms in the school until he got to one room, its time visit his mentor; Vampire Marcus.

~Knight POV~

Marcus was my mentor when I first got here in Portus. He was a hard ass; he trained me till I almost died of thirst. His training method was different and challenging but worth it. He may be the only one of my kind who knows as much history as the Keeper.

I was right outside his classroom, I was about to knock when I heard him say "come in General." I walked in and saw Marcus sitting on his desk drinking...smells like fresh blood, while reading some book. With his old English fashion sense, deathly pale white skin, white shoulder length hair, a triangular shaped face and red-blood eyes. I walked in and I sat in one of the desk in front of him; he didn't even look up. 

"General Knight, I see you still remember your seat in my class" he said to me never leaving his eyes from his book. "Yes, I still do," I sat there for awhile not saying anything; it felt like even a human can hear a pin drop in the classroom. Then I heard him sigh, "Blaise, I have known you since the day you arrived here, now don't hold back and ask me whatever it is that you need answers to?”

Knowing Marcus, it irritates him when a person beats around the bush trying to sugar coat everything, it's best to just say it out straight and that's what I did. 

"What does it mean to be bloodmates?" He just continued reading and answered me “I believe I mentioned the answer to that question on your first day in my class" he said with a little annoyance in his voice. 

"yes, I remember the basics, but what if the other can’t feel the spark, is there something wrong with that?" I asked with uncertainty in my voice, Marcus just sighed while still reading “No, there is nothing wrong.”

“When, I first saw her, I didn’t feel anything but once I saw her again a few times; I can’t seem to get her off my mind. Once we touched, it felt like an electric current running through me. I felt it, but she didn’t, at all and it’s really confusing. Have there been any cases like that in the past?” I looked at Marcus the whole time when I was talking, I could’ve sworn I saw his eye gone black for a millisecond but he just slowly closed his book and leaned back into his chair, sipping his blood.

“Perhaps a few cases with that same problem, usually it’s the lesser being who doesn’t feel the pull. One case was with a Vampire and a Human. Another was a Vampire and a pixie, so many combinations I can go on; but it would take awhile for them to feel the connection. There was one case between a Vampire and a female demon, she didn’t even feel anything, even though they were close, she never paid attention to him at all; that’s when he knew she was way powerful than him and she didn’t need him even though they were bloodmates.” For all those times Marcus had trained me, he would never show any emotion, but this was a first. When he was talking about this Vampire and a demon, he was suddenly sad from his expression and his voice was almost a whisper.

He expression quickly changed back to his emotionless mask and said “The only reason she doesn’t feel the spark, is ether she’s a lesser being, a demon or an ele-….*coughs* yes a demon.”

I knew he was about to say elementals and that just confirms it. Nina is my bloodmate and she’s an elemental. Fuck! How am I going to stand her being in classes with other guys while I am out on the field?

“I believe a proper thanks would be much appreciated,” shit! I forgot I was still here, got lost in my own head, “ahh! Yes, Thank you very much,” I stood up did a slight bow and walked to the door. I was about to be use my speed when I heard him said “It would be better if your mate is a lesser being” and I left. I know that Nina is not a lesser being.

I was at my little apartment when the Headmaster mind linked me and that he was free, finally.

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