Chapter 17 Bargain

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Chapter 17 Bargain

~Knight POV~

I closed my eyes and was waiting for that time when they say you see your life's memories flash before you die, but the moment never came. I squint my eyes, to see what was happening and the woman with the wings started walking towards me. She is tall, damn!

"Do not be afraid, we will not harm you. Lady Nina is in need of rest and we cannot venture further than the forest. So we ask that you take her; if you don't, I believe Sabu here would really love a taste of your flesh." As of on cue the Chimera flashed its teeth at me. Well, what was I supposed to do? Refuse? No, I would rather much be whole before I die thank you very much. "I'll ......take her," my voice came out like a yelp, but I quickly recovered.

I remember seeing a Sphinx, wait, is it this woman? She turned her back to me and was walking towards the serpent; I can see her tail and her eagle wings and I've never seen a form of Sphinx like that. I hate being helpless like this; it's really pulling my pride as a vampire really low; I can take on some of them if I can use my powers but for the time being I choose to survive.

The serpents' heads took turns lowering their heads towards the girl, they did say Nina. Hhhmmm, never heard of that name before, still it fits her. The sphinx woman turned to walk towards me and I looked up and all five heads were baring their huge fangs at me; my fags are more like tiny toothpicks compared to them.

"They said to take care of her, let no harm come to her or well you can tell the rest."I just let out a fake laugh but I quickly composed myself "yes, I understand." The Siren slither itself to Nina and held her hand and placed it on her cheek. She stared right at me; I could see her eyes changing colors I can't see very well with these damn human eyes but I could tell that she was glaring at me. Then she and the serpent went back to the ocean.

"Come, we shall escort you and Lady Nina to the edge of the forest." I didn't protest I just followed them. We walked for a little bit but I guess they got tired of me and how I walked too slow, the troll picked me up and put me on his shoulder, I chuckled, just awhile ago I thought he was gonna eat me, but this is a nice change. I summed up a little courage and asked the sphinx lady flying in front of me, "um! Sphinx, may I ask a question of you?"

"My name is Zafrina, and yes you may, as payment for taking our Lady." The first thing that came to my head I just blurted it out "why can this place nullify powers that make us human?" She wasn't even fazed by my question; she just answered "This forest is part of another supernatural realm, Paradisum which now is called Carcer."

I wasn't expecting that but I was curious about this, now I know why beings that break the rules are sent there. They can't do anything when their powers are nullified, that must be terrible to live there for eternity and I can't even last more than a day in this forest. Though "I've never heard of Paradisum, why was it changed to Carcer?" I didn't know I said that out loud but Zafrina, yeah that's her name, she answered.

"Paradisum, was the realm of the Elementals it means Paradise and indeed it was Paradise. They are a powerful race but they lived peacefully, but it changed when, other beings formed a pact and wiped them out. Powerful as they are, they care more about their home than their lives; they left the safety of the forest and pursued the attackers. The last Queen of the Elementals gave her life in exchange for the safety or her race, but she was too trusting, with the sacrifice of their Queen, the other Elementals were crushed and gave in, what happened after that was a full wide genocide. With them gone, they named it Carcer and threw in criminals.

I was silent, deep in my thoughts then I felt myself thrown to the air, I felt my strength coming back and I landed perfectly on my feet. I was on the other side of the forest and all the creatures were standing at the edge of the forest growling at me. As much as I want to snarl and show my fangs at them, I know better than to provoke these beasts. I walked towards Zafrina holding onto Nina, I was looking up at her; she's a good 9ft tall. She leaned her head down and sniffed my hair "ahhh a Vampire! Oh! A very unusual combination but not yet developed I see."

I had no idea what she was saying, I just shrugged and asked "I would be right back, the mud is sticking to my skin and its getting irritating" Zafrina just nodded, I guess she understands what it means to be a vampire. Super speed, just the way I like it, I cleaned myself and got into some comfy sweat pants, a shirt and I was in front of Zafrina in a few minutes. Zafrina turned her back to me and faced, the troll, Cerberus and the Chimera, it looks like they were taking turns saying their good-byes and the three left.

Zafrina held Nina to herself like a mother to a child, she kissed her forehead and she laid her in my arms. She knelt down caressing Nina's face "we have been waiting for so long, Lady Nina. I bid you good rest." I don't know what she meant but I said "she has a twin you know we just rescued them yesterday," she jerked her head up looking at my face to see if I was lying, but she smiled "twins!" She looked at me with hopeful eyes and asked "be sure to tell Lady Nina to bring her along? I shall await their arrival tomorrow in the morning at this very spot." I just nodded my head and walked towards Nina's place and I could hear Zafrina's wings as she flew back in the forest.


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