Bittersweet Smiles

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This is my first story, I hope you enjoy.



Clouds rumble in the sky, the wind brushing the trees violently as two young lovers approach an abandon small shack. Screaming and yelling were heard from the shack, a few minutes later, a baby was crying, followed by another baby crying, soon one of the babies stopped.

The woman said “Let me hold my daughters” as she pants.

She held them, one has just stopped crying and now calm, while the other was still wiggling around in her arms.

The young man looked at the woman, the love of his life, holding on to his daughters who will now be his entire world.

Thunder boomed loudly above them as it shook the tiny shack, and voices can be heard. The woman looked over and said “listen to me, you take care of our girls you hear me. You keep them safe."

“No, I can’t!”  “They will be here soon, you have to leave NOW!”

“Tifa, but your still bleeding” cried the young man “ssshhhh! Aiden”

 “I will be fine, but you have to go, Please now” Tifa said as silent tears form in her eyes. “You have to be strong for me and for our daughters.”

Aiden hugged Tifa as if she was about to disaapear.

“Here take the girls, Peninaolemoana and Sivaiteuilaafi those are our daughter’s names. Take care of them.”

Before Aiden could say anything Tifa held onto Aiden and her daughters and said a little chant in her native language.

“Atua o lagi ma le lalolgai

Atua o sami ma le elelele

Ia ave I latou I se eleele lelei

O taimane nei ia outou vaai ane

Vaai  ifo ma

Puipui ia te’i latou”

A white light surround Aiden and the girls lifting them up into the air surrounding them with bright colorful butterflies. Aiden saw that they blew up the shack they were in, wood and smoke flying everywhere, but it’s as if there was an invisible shield blocking out everything that had just happened.

 Aiden shook his head furiously with tears in his eyes, he looked downward to Tifa, and she whispered “Be Safe”

The last thing Aiden saw was Tifa being consumed with dark smoke and they disappeared.

He was now on a boat, sailing away as the thunderous clouds above gave away to rain, as if a sign, that the Heavens were weeping.


Note: The native language is Samoan.

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