Chapter 13 Forbidden Forest

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Chapter 13 Forbidden Forest

The Forbidden Forest is the last step before anyone can leave Portus into the other dimensions. Everyone on Portus is allowed to teleport anywhere in the human realm but can't enter the other dimensions unless they can survive for a day in the forest. Portus serves as a rescue and a training school for the supernatural beings and they get to choose whether they want to enter the other realms or stay in the human realm. People who were rescued are beings with supernatural powers and that they need to train themselves in order to better control their abilities to not harm others or themselves. Before they get to choose, they have to pass the Forbidden Forest test, if they survive they are given a third option to stay on Portus to help mentor others.

Every now and then, many fall prey to the forest which is why no one ventures out at night near the forest. That is why the living areas for the men and women serving in the Eripio team were build behind the dorms. So they can monitor around the area, but that night majority of the Eripio team is with the students who are on their training expedition around the human realm. The Forbidden Forest is a mystery and once someone is on the beach, who knows what might happen.

~Knight POV~

This is just my day; I can't believe that I am going in the Forest again, Shit! I stood at the edge of the forest and I can see the fog is getting thicker. When I finally thought that I was ready to deal with the last test, I had to find out the hard way that all my abilities were numb. To be exact, anyone who attempts the Forest Test, they have to deal with it like a human; the forest nullifies any ability making it the hardest test ever. I remember when I thought I was ready, I was just happy that I was done. It was the most painful 24 hours of my existence. Now I am about to go back in, I am not looking forward to being a helpless human in there.

I stepped into the forest and I could feel all my vampire senses had gone numb, now I am completely human. I started to run through the forest, with all the fog, I can't really make out what's in front of me, I had some close calls or I would have knocked myself out. If only I can use my senses than this would be so easy. I tried my best to run and look around but I fell in a mud puddle, wow! Good going there Knight. I was struggling to get out, the mud was too thick and I can't feel the bottom of the puddle. I reached out to feel anything and I caught onto a tree trunk and I pulled myself towards the roots of the tree and I leaned on it. I was about to get up, when I heard a low growl.

Oh Shit! Its right behind the tree I was leaning on, I slowly leaned back. I'm glad I fell into the mud; otherwise I would have been food right now. Whatever this creature is, it's huge, I could feel hot air from its nostrils flaring, Damn it. It moved slowly around the tree snarling like it could see me but can't smell me, its mouth was inches away from my face. Ok! Now, now I'm scared shitless, it's a large chimera; I don't know what animals it was fused with but all I know it's big. It started to sniff me as I tried my best to hold onto the tree roots so that I won't be sucked in every time he sniffed. It started as a low growl about to roar at my face, when a high piercing scream echoed through the forest. The chimera jerked its head up and listened and started to run towards where the scream came from. Now is my chance, I stood up fast as I can and started to run after the chimera.

I ran as fast as I could and I stood next to a tree trying to catch my breath, ugh! This forest sucks, this human thing sucks, now I feel tired. I was about to start running when I saw shadows moving in the corner of my eye, damn human sight. I don't have time to stand here, so I just ran where I thought the chimera went. My legs were burning up from all the running and I finally came to a clearing, it was the beach. I know I never made it this far when I took the Forest test, it sure does look isolated.

I noticed from the corner of my eye, the chimera was crawling on the sand getting ready to bounce on its prey, as soon as it was crawling, it stood back up. Good thing the moon gives a little light and I could see the chimera went and knelt down by something close to the water. I slowly crawled to get closer when, something flew past my head. What the hell was that? I looked up and I can't believe it, it's a freaking sphinx and it landed in front of the chimera. I felt the sand rumbling, like something heavy was running and it's getting closer to the beach. From the other side, I could see a three headed dog running towards the sphinx and the chimera. Great, now Cerberus, I'm gonna die, I am gonna die, as I was imagining scenario's in my head of how I was gonna die, I felt chills run down my back I turned slowly behind. Fuck!

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