Chapter 26 Busted

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Chapter 26 Busted

~Ryder POV~

What the Fuck is going on? First, my mate can sprout fire from her hands, then her sister gone hulk on me and her mom showed up. What the hell is that? I don't remember anybody here in Portus can do shit like that. 'Temper, temper' "Oh shut up! You are partly to blame for this," I said to my wolf, "it's your fault, you wanted to see her."

'Correction we both did, you were the one who got irritated when she laughed' "Yeah well, why didn't you let me shift?" There was silence, "hello why didn't you let me?"

'You see there are things I know that it's better if you don't know' "Oh what a fucking good answer" shit I need to think about all this. 'You should calm down, your room looks beyond fixing' he said "Just be quiet for a moment, let me think."

Fuck, I messed up big time; I don't know what face I should make when I see the twins. I remember holding on to Uila when we rescued her and her sister; the thing I don't understand is why I didn't feel the pull from her there and then.

'It's because she is much stronger than us, her power overrides all of it at that time, but once we met her again, she was normal' my wolf answered me."Didn't I say to stop talking" I thought about what he said "So you're saying she's stronger than us?"

'Yes and not just her even her sister........ Ryder, I think the mom was right'

"What fuck it, I am not listening to that, she was freaking crazy-" 'Ryder, don't try and act like it didn't bother you, I know you were was I'

"You know you must be the first wolf ever to admit he was scared ever"

'Stop putting up a front, I know you were scared shitless when you took that Forbidden Forest Test, don't deny it, you were.'

"Why did you have to bring that up" I sighed 'it's okay to admit you're scared it helps to train the mind and body to make it even stronger."

"I will admit only to you that I was scared, still am. When you didn't let me shift I felt lost and abandoned but she said you submitted to her, which means you yielded to a higher command. That test was bearable because I can still communicate with you but this time you were gone."

'See that wasn't so bad, oh we should get ready its almost dark' "Yeah, the others will clean my apartment up, I'm gonna take a shower first."

'Dean, one more thing, I suggest you don't get too close to Nina, I can't really put my paw on it but she's different' I shrugged my shoulders not even paying attention and I went to get ready.


It was dark outside so I just walked towards the girls apartment, its weird how the Headmaster made the twins live there, they usually suppose to live at the dorms but who cares good for them. I looked up feeling the nice breeze and the blue moon shinning, this is a nice night to go for a run, but maybe later. Since we are going to the beach in front of the T.C I settled for casual, dark jeans and a white shirt.

I could see that Taylor and Knight were already there waiting and kept on looking towards the forest. I'm glad I am done with that shit, I would fucking rather go to hell than go back in there, just thinking about those hours in there made me shook my head to get that memory out.

General Knight and I trained together though he was here longer than I have, it's not that I don't like Vampires; it's there scent, it smells like death. Though the made ones don't really have that odor but the born ones does and the older they are the stronger the smell. I know I irritate him, I mean it's my fault he had a harsher training time with his mentor Marcus. Hah!

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