Chapter 5 Tears

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Chapter 5 Tears

Nina ran to Uila’s side and knelt down next to her sister and held her close. James realized that he was running towards Uila but he stopped himself, wondering ‘What the Hell he was doing.’ Felix stood up from where he tackled James and shouted out to James “Hey, look out for that lady next to the car and that couple over there hugging. I’ll go get the car” and ran down the road. James knelt down next to the lady and checked her pulse, all while looking at the guy hugging Uila.

Nina held her sister and thought ‘ she must’ve fainted after all that, oh well,’ Nina shouted out to the guy who was next to Lani, “ hey you, can you turn on the car to stop the alarm and help me carry her in the car?” James just stood up and turned on the car, he came next to Uila and picked her and said “hey man, where do you want me to put her?”

“the back seat so she can sleep it off”


Nina hopped in the back seat and got a pillow to put Uila’s head on, right when Uila’s head was on the pillow; Nina hopped out of the back seat and kissed her sister on the forehead.

James was staring at Nina the whole time and thought ‘damn, lucky bastard’ and walked back to the lady next to the car. Nina walked behind the car to pick up all the road flares and Felix pulled up with his car shinning his lights on Nina.

Felix turned off his car and ran up to Nina,

“hey man, you alright, that was some crazy shit, how’s your girl?”

“Yeah, she’s ok.” Felix was looking at the guy and thought ‘whoa this dude looks like a girl’

“Is it ok if you can give us a ride, Aunty Lani fainted and I don’t know how to drive? We all live on base.”

“um-yeah sure I guess we can”  “thanks man”

Aunty Lani started to wake up, Nina ran to Lani “Aunty you ok?” Lani just answered with a groan. “I will take that as a no, ok Aunty um, these two soldiers are going to give us a ride home, and you are not driving, O.k.” “hhmmm yeah”

While Nina was talking, James was thinking ‘what the hell, usually people by now would panic and start screaming or faint, but this dude…….hahahahaha, well I guess not everyone can be level headed. Felix was wondering ‘how did this dude figure out we are soldiers?’ ugh it’s a good thing that lady is awake, I just don’t wanna carry her, wait which car is she going in?’

Felix asked “hey man, which car is your Aunty going riding?”

“Yours, she can walk just help her get up and he can drive this car.” Nina pointed at James.

Felix and James both helped up Aunty Lani and walked her over to the other car, when Lani was in the car, Nina came to her side and hugged her and kissed her forehead. Nina looked over to Felix “make sure she is ok.” “Yeah, just tell that dork over there to follow us.” “Ok”

Nina gathered up all of the flares to put them out and she put it in a trash bag in the back of the car. She got in the car, where James was waiting, she looked in the back seat to check on her sister and she was still sleeping. Nina took a deep breath and sighed “hey your friend said to follow him” “yeah, I know.”

Felix’s car passed them and James followed. James felt weird driving people he hardly knew and he attempted to have small talk so he asked Nina “hey man, so how long…. have you’ve…. been…. together?”

Nina took off her beanie and her long black hair flowed down, she was fixing her hair and she said” First, I’m a girl ,I’m Nina second I am not a lesbian, third I wasn’t paying attention to you and your buddy calling me man, and last do not tell anyone about what happened and what will happen? Got it?” James felt weird how Nina can answer all his questions when he didn’t even ask it out loud, all he could do was nod and said “got it.”

It was about half an hour driving down on Pali Highway, James thought ‘damn! I hate quiet rides, I can’t listen to music, I can’t do …….whoa what was that’ James looked to his side and saw Nina looking outside tears coming down the side of her face. Nina was crying silently but she sniffed to loud and James heard it, James asked “hey Nina, right? Are you ok?. Um…Nina.” James thought  ‘damn she is still crying, Fuck!’

 “aaahhhh! see I am…..”

‘O-oh, we’re in trouble,’ The song from the phone didn’t last long and Nina answered.



What! Its pass 10 they should be here by now, there shouldn’t be any traffic at this time. Damn where’s my phone? Ah! There it is, that Keahlani, she is not taking my girls out again. I called Nina’s phone, she better pick up, coming home this late, it’s ringing…………I shouted “Nina do you and your sister have any idea its pass 10 its almost 11….hello Nina…answer me” What is going on? All I could hear was sniffles…”….daddy…” Wait, Nina only calls me daddy when she is scared “….daddy…..” Nina started to cry on the phone, I should calm down ok..

“  ..Love…”

 “…yes daddy..”

“how far are you from home?”

“….I don’t know….sniffles”

“where is your sister?”

“…she is sleeping….” Ok she’s calm down now.

“Listen love, cough twice if you’re in trouble and once if you and your sister are ok”

“…ok daddy…*coughs*….” Oh thank heavens they are ok!

“…daddy …stay on the phone…” she’s crying again, oh who the hell made my Nina cry.

“ok love, I’m here I am not going anywhere…”


~about 45 minutes later~

“….daddy we are outside…”

“Ok love”

I walked straight to the passenger’s side and hugged my baby girl, I don’t know what happened to make my girl so scared it made her cry. I don’t remember the last time Nina called me daddy at all. I looked in the back seat, Uila is still sleeping, ok good. Now to the driver, I looked and smiled….and the poor kid smiled back. I should take Uila up first cause she is sleeping and then Nina since she is still awake. 

“Baby girl, I will take your sister inside first ok, I will be right back” “ok daddy…sniffles”

I got one of my girls out of the back seat, took her upstairs and I came back down. I got back outside and Nina had tears down her cheeks; I wiped her tears away.

“Love, everything is fine, your home” she hugged me and cried on my shoulders and I carried her in my arms.

“Hey you, get the stuff in the back of the car and come in.”

I put my girls in my room, so they could sleep together.

 “daddy” “yes, love” “…*yawns*…he didn’t do anything….” And she fell asleep.

 I tucked both of my lil girls and kissed both their foreheads and walked back down.

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