Chapter 12 Grief

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Chapter 12 Grief

~Uila POV~

I felt my sister rocking me back and forth, caressing my hair as I kept sobbing. My throat got dry and it started to hurt. Every time I think about what happen my tears just can't stop flowing; dad is really gone. I had no idea what the old mad was talking to Nina about, I just zoned everyone out, that all I could hear, was myself sobbing. I don't know how to deal with this, it's too much. I don't know what to do and I can't cope with this. Now, I-I ...."Uila you need to drink something, you're gonna get dehydrated if you don't."

"Yeah, my throats dry and I feel icky" I finally managed to stop sobbing. "Well, why don't you get cleaned up, I heard you squealing around this morning, sooo there must be something good here right?" Nina smiled at me but why is she smiling, did she not hear that dad is gone; I unhooked myself from her arms and I just stood up away from her and I flipped," Nina why are you like this? why are you smiling? Don't you care that dad is gone? Don't you care what happened to dad, at all?" I practically screamed at her, she just looked at me with sad eyes and said "Yes, Uila, I do care and I miss dad too, but will it bring dad back? Will we see dad again if we don't? The answer is No. All we can do now is accept this. Remember all those times when dad was gone for months, he would call us at times, do you remember what he said?"

I hate it when Nina makes sense, "ugh, yes I know, he said we are his life and that if anything happens to him, we have to live on with him in our hearts and in our memory. He also said that if it gets too hard and you're about to cry we should smile. I know he said that like when we were what? 10 but its hard Nina, I can't bare having dad not here." I started to cry again, I know I'm the crybaby of the family; Nina is always the level-headed one.

I don't remember the last time she cried at all. She stood up and she hugged me, "I know that we both love dad and we are going to miss him very much. Now we have to be strong and live on. I am not saying its easy Uila, but we have each other to lean on okay. We will never stop loving dad, we will never stop missing him and we will never stop remembering him. He will always be with us Uila and that we should always, always smile for dad."Every time Nina mentioned dad, I would cry even harder, what she said was right, I will never forget my dad, ever.

We must've stood there hugging for awhile but we both know that we needed it. We just sat, down on my bed, which was closer, "ugh, I can't believe we are sharing a room, you better not wake me, when you get up" she pointed her finger at me and gave me a serious face, I just laughed, "yeah, yeah, yeah, now let's go shower."

Nina gave me a 'I don't wanna shower with you look,' I snorted "gosh Nina! No! There's a shower and a bath tub in the bathroom and I call dibs on the bathtub..." and I rushed in the bathroom. I popped my head out the door "hey Nina, I suggest you check out your closet, I think you're gonna like it," and I went back in. I turned on the water for the tub and I put it to just the right temperature for me, I stripped off all my clothes and I went in.... aaaahhhh! This feels relaxing; there were these things on the side, oohh! Body wash and wash cloth, and I just sat there scrubbing myself. I am a little relieved but at the same time sad, that my dad won't be here anymore, I hugged my knees, my tears came and in walks my sister.

"Ah, ah, ah! No, nope, we are not having that" she walked over to the tub and she splashed some water on my face while she laughed as she did it. "Ugh! Nina!" I had some water go in my mouth, ugh! She can be annoying sometime, but she knows me best. I just laughed, "so how did you like your closet?" I asked her as she looks around the bathroom.

"Now I know why you were squealing so loud this morning, I mean look at this bathroom it's huge, now we don't have to wait anymore or share, as for my closet, it's nice...and big...but my favorite thing in there is the picture next to the mirror," she said it while smiling.

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