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"You have some explaining to do, Mark," I stated as the shuttle lifted smoothly off of Earth's surface. Mark, Arian and I stood in the resting room of the ship. The stormtroopers were piloting the craft, I didn't know if I should be scared yet. Arian sat behind me on a bed, while I stood facing Mark who leaned against the white wall with his arms crossed. He smirked as much as he could with his disfigured face and chuckled.

"Order sixty-six has not been coded into the DNA of these stormtroopers." Mark started, I crossed my arms and tapped my foot. "The reason for that is because these stormtroopers are not clones like the movies. These men are volunteers. They are like our soldiers on Earth, they have a choice in what they want to do." Mark said I nodded in understanding. "On another note, what happened to you two in the jailhouse?" Mark asked, staring mostly at Arian whose hair was still drying. He looked weak again, but just fatigued instead of exhausted. Arian stared at his feet, I turned around and uncrossed my arms, I was concerned for his happiness.

"They asked me questions that I didn't know answers to and they punished me for it." He said quietly, I pitied him and then sat down next to him on the bed. Mark stepped closer to hear more about Arian's interrogation. I couldn't bare to listen to his description of the torture he was put through. Even though, it was a short amount of time the pain was indescribable. I shivered at the thought of having someone I cared about stuck in a situation like that. I cared about him. I wrapped myself in my arms, blocking out Arian's voice. He wouldn't stop talking about the pain. He told Mark and me the questions that the bad cop asked him, the questions were pointless and unanswerable. Arian ended his anecdote and fell silent. I still was wrapped in my own arms, seated directly next to Arian. Mark said he'd be back, leaving Arian and me alone. Wonderful, now I'm stuck in a room with Arian. "Pilar, I want to thank you for what you did in the cell." He whispered, putting his hands together and entwining his fingers.

"You're welcome." I started, "I wouldn't want you to be in pain." I whispered his hands separated and he rested one on my arm. I looked up, his misty gray eyes were full of longing. I smiled sadly and shifted my body so that my shoulder touched his, I leaned sideways and rested my head on his shoulder. I was tired, I was exhausted and my eyes were sore. I sighed and closed my eyes. "Arian, I know you care about me," I whispered, wasn't it obvious that I cared about him too? "I just want you to know that I care about you too." I whispered in his ear, lightly pressing my lips to his cheek. I buried my forehead into the crook of his neck and rubbed the back of his hand with my thumb.

"Thank you for telling me, Pilar." He whispered back, "I just wish that there weren't rules keeping us apart, I wish that I could love you like I do."

Wait, hold on.

Does he love me?

Take a step back, and look at this from the outside. Consider the following: Arian just confessed that he loved me, and earlier in our story he said he cared about me. I just told him that I cared about him, and I've now kissed his cheek twice. Whenever I see him, my heart skips a beat, and I'm even more giddy than before but I hide it very well. There are rules separating us from ever being in a relationship, a forbidden kind of love. I'm scared to admit my emotions while he seems to be battling his so that they don't pour out of him. People know that he and I feel something for one another, I think even the Jedi (specifically Yoda) are suspicious.

"Love?" I breathed, Arian looked down at his feet and he pulled his hand away from mine. I knew he thought I was rejecting him, he stood to leave, I grabbed his arm and stood up as well. "Don't leave this now," I said, his arm was so strong I could even feel the warmth.

"You don't-" I shook my head and cut him off,

"What did I just tell you?" I asked, looking into his eyes. They were stormy and dark, mixed with confusion and fear. Fear of what? "I care about you, Arain," I said, rubbing my hand on his arm. He quickly cupped my face and thrust his lips to mine, I jerked back in surprise as he kissed me. He gripped my neck, not letting me leave him. I gave in and kissed him back. A million questions and worries were racing through my mind but most of all I felt calm. I relaxed and he pulled away, my eyes stayed closed because I was savoring the seconds that his lips were on mine. I breathed his name and his hands traveled down my arms to grab my hands. I opened my eyes to see his closed, he was thinking about what he had just done.

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