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"Bring the plane back around, we're gonna get a fine as much as it is," I said just as the park ranger pulled up to the shelter. He got out of the car and ran over to us.

"You need to take that out of the sky, there are no motorized vehicles of any kind allowed in any national park. Any citizen of America should know that."

"I'm sorry officer, my cousin just insisted on flying it here today. You see, he's a scientist. He wants to do a research project of the innermost miles of this national park."

"Oh, well. Get it out of the sky, or I'm going to have to fine you." He threatened. Mark then got the plane back to the field and landed it a little roughly. I talked politely to the officer, as Mark retrieved the drone from the south side of the grass. I ended up lying out of a fine, telling the officer within earshot of Mark that he was British. Thank God Mark is good with accents. Eventually, after the ranger made sure we were all packed and ready to go, making sure that we wouldn't be back with an airplane of "such epic proportions", he left.

"What did you find?" Mark asked, on the way to the motel.

"The GoPro was recording the whole time, we can replay it when we get back to the motel."

"All right, but are we in need of this drone anymore? I don't want to have to haul it all over the place." He said, I kind of rolled my eyes.

"I'm the one hauling it all over the place, thank you. But I do agree. We can drop it off tomorrow, or stash it in my garage."

"We did pay two-hundred dollars for it."

"But we might need to get rid of it, sooner than later. I am still being watched by the cops."

"That is true. When did you tell them that you were going to be back?"

"I didn't."

"You didn't tell them that you were going to be back!" I exclaimed, hitting the steering wheel.


"What do you think is going to happen when you don't show up tonight? They're going to send out people looking for you." I said, "you'll be a high priority too. You found that ship before anyone else."

"Yeah, but now it's all over the news. They can't do anything about me now, I don't know as much as I used too, they have more knowledge than I."

"But, didn't you say that you downloaded the communication system on my laptop?"

"I did."

"Don't you think they'll want to keep you under surveillance?"

"Not if I know less than they do."

"But now you know where they're hiding."

"No, we know where they are. Not just me, you're in this now too."

"Shit," I whispered, low enough so that Felix couldn't hear me.

"You knew this would happen."

"Yeah, but I never thought it actually would." I said, looking towards the entrance of the motel, cop cars lined the parking lot.

"Uh oh," Felix said, from the backseat.

"Let's just, go to my house for a while," I said, passing the motel parking lot. The cars receding from my view.


"So, then what are we going to do?" Felix asked.

"Hope we don't get caught, when we go and find the ship." Answered Mark, I shook my head.

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