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I don't understand politics, but I understand when the President of the United States is being hypnotized to bend to every whim of Palpatine. Within the Oval Office, no agreement was signed. A verbal arrangement was made, one that would surely ruin Earth.

"Do you agree to allow the current chancellor of the Galactic Republic to rule freely over your planet?" Senator Palpatine asked President Obama nodded his head. I was dying to protest, but I knew that if I spoke up Obama would not hear me and Palpatine would painfully silence my voice. I stood with my back to the meeting, staring out into the beautiful garden of the White House. What could I do other than stand beside and watch? Wasn't I going to be slaughtered after this meeting anyway? They had no more use for me after the world was in the handcuffs of the Galactic Republic. I looked down to the flowers that seemed to glow with radiant colors, police officers with K-9 units roamed the grounds, completely unaware of what their future entailed. I saw movement within a bush of roses. Who was stupid enough to hide in a bush of thorns? I looked closer to see a gray-haired man peek his somewhat handsome face up to the window. I gasped, George! We made eye contact and he mouthed a word that I couldn't make out, I mouthed back 'What?' and he attempted to communicate again. I understood the word, I could feel Palpatine's eyes in the back of my head and I sighed, trying to cover up a gasp. I turned away from the window to see Darth Sidious shaking hands with Obama. "Action will take place in the near future. Please alert your country that they will soon be occupied."

"No," I whispered that couldn't happen.

"Yes, Senator. I shall spread the news as fast as I can." He said, opening the door to his office. Obama looked terrified with the words he just uttered. His face looked as if it had just come out of a trance. Palpatine released his mind hold on the President as we walked out the door. He closed his office behind us while Palpatine and I were escorted back to the entrance of the White House. A sudden urge to go to the restroom hit my body. *Wink wink*

"Can I go potty?" I asked Darth Sidious quietly.




"I have to pee." I said bluntly, he shrugged and gestured back down the hallway. I saw a wisp of gray hair dart around the corner. I was so getting outta here. I started to formulate a plan, George was around here somewhere I just had to find him. Hopefully, he wouldn't disappear again. I walked down the hall, around the corner and ducked into the bathroom to actually use it. As I washed my hands trying to still absorb the information and think of possible plans to escape my ultimate demise George quickly opened and closed the door to the restroom, shutting himself inside.

"Tell me everything that's happened," He demanded, turning and locking the door behind him.

"The Galactic Republic is now planning an invasion of Earth, Obama unwillingly agreed to it."

"Mind tricks?"


"What are they planning to do to you?"

"Plagueis wants to kill me."

"He will." George said flatly, "come with me, I have a car parked in the driveway."


"Now is not the time for foolish questions," He said taking my wrist. "Run as quietly as you can. We have to get you back to the Jedi Council. Your brother should be there with Arian."


"No, Bob Segat."

"Not funny, George."

"Shut up, and come on." He pulled me out the door and we slunk quickly down the hallway. I didn't look behind me, I knew that Palpatine was around the corner waiting for me to return. He was foolish to let me go to the bathroom alone, even if George wasn't here I would have thought of a way to get out. We got outside, and an alarm was raised, attack dogs were released and we sprinted to George's car. The dog was closing in on me, I turned to defend myself only to find the dog cringing in pain, shrinking into itself with its tail between its legs. I didn't have time to wonder what happened to the dog, the other one was right behind it. Like the game leapfrog, the second German Shepherd soared over the cowering one with its jaws open and prepared to clamp down on my arm like a bear trap. I ducked and put my hands over my head, the dog landed on its legs in front of me. It growled for a split second and jumped to attack, at the same time my arms moved forward in a shoving motion and the dog flew fifteen feet backward. I looked at my hands before making the rest of the journey to George's car. He was already pulling the car out of the drive when I got in and slammed the door behind me.

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