Open Wounds

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I stood to follow him. Why did I just do that? That was a really bad idea.

"Arian. Wait." I demanded, my voice soft and vulnerable. "Arian." I called again, when he did not return into the room. I shouldn't talk to him, it was a mistake that I did that anyways. I can't make it worse than it already is. I walked out into the hallway to find it deserted. He was a swift walker, so I knew he was hiding from me. I knew it was what I should be doing, hiding. Before I could do that, and lock myself away in my room, Jobal found me wandering the halls.

"Could you come back to the party? It is starting to wind down now, many people have gone." She stated, reaching out towards my arm. "Where is Arian?" She asked innocently, I looked to the ground and shrugged my shoulders. "Oh, well he must be around here somewhere."

"He'll come back." I said, falling into step with Jobal. "So, where did Darin take the maid?"

"He took her to the authorities, I had never seen her before, nor had Ruwee. Most of the staff have all ready been asked about how she got into the house, they said that she said she was hired to take care of Soja." Jobal shivered, "It sickens me to think of what she could have done to my baby. If that was at all part of her plan." Jobal asked me another question about where Arian was, I shrugged. She seemed disappointed, like her hopes were let down. I could feel the short shot of sadness from her. She was easy to read, she felt deeply. We walked in silence to the parlor, that was only filled with staff and the guests who were staying in the house. She was right, everyone else who had been milling around, staring at me, whispering stories, judging me, were gone. Darin held a drink in his hand, he was laughing with a beautiful young woman dressed in a servant uniform. He touched her arm, a gesture I thought that he would never do. I felt the eyes again, the speculators. I left Jobal's side, and I ignored the people walking out onto a balcony that overlooked a garden. No one joined me, so I took the solitude and stared out into the coming dusk. I watched the sky turn from its brilliant blue to a soft purple, to fiery colors of red and orange blast across the sky, igniting it into a painting of beauty. I looked away from the sunset, to my right. I could just see the edge of the balcony that was off of the bathroom attached to my room. Someone was up there, staring at the same sunset that I was. I knew who it was, Arian was hiding from us all. He was hiding his true feelings. I felt anger boil in me, yet what gave me the right to be angry? I was in the wrong. I wanted Arian to tell me his feelings, yet I didn't want to know them because I knew that if I was aware of them, that I couldn't stop myself from feeling the same way.

There was no way that we could ever be together. He was a Jedi Knight, and I a Padawan. For now that is, in a few years, maybe months, I would be faced with the Jedi Trials and I would bow down. I would back out of the test, and I would become a politician. The plan had to work.

In the meantime, I had to find Isla. What did she want from me? What did she want now? She all ready took most of my happiness. She already deprived me of many things. She betrayed me, my family, her family. Had she found the dark brown leather bag? Had she watched, and read the sequel series of movies? Did Palpatine know about them? I for sure did not. I had no idea who was in it or what would happen. I hadn't even gotten the chance to look for spoilers online when I was on Earth. Would I be back there soon? If so, where would I go? What about the people left. How many survivors were still hiding on the surface?

If I was going to keep training to be a Jedi, then I had to find someone to cover for me in the Senate. I would trust Mark, but he was still in Moscow. Maybe I should return to Moscow, find him and ask him to be the Senator. I already knew that he would refuse, because he didn't like politics, he had only covered for me that one time when no one else knew what to do. I had to find someone that I trusted, someone I knew could handle the pressures of politics. Jobal? No, she was raising a baby. Ruwee? No, he wouldn't leave his family. I couldn't ask any of the Jedi, because that's what they are. What about political figures that were still alive on Earth. I knew that Putin was alive.

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