Home Again

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When Arian turned off the Lightspeed of the cruiser, I was practically jumping up and down in anticipation. I was near exploding. I told Arian to land on Earth, nearest to L.A. that he could. But when the ship entered the Earth's atmosphere, I knew something was extremely wrong, there was smoke coming up from the surface and the planet seemed dark. He landed the ship two miles away from the city, and we took a cruiser that was attached to the ship to get into the city.

The city was in complete chaos. People scattered everywhere running, screaming, cars swerving and speeding down the highway to get as far away as possible from the buildings that were crumbling to the ground. Dead bodies littered the streets of rubble and ash, stormtroopers baring guns ran around in groups of four, shooting anything that had the guts to cross their path. We sped into the city, as fast as we could, taking in the mess. What were we going to do? How were we to stop this? The ash and smoke burned my throat and stung my eyes, it was hard to see through it all. Somehow, it seemed that Arian knew where we were going. We stopped in the middle of the city where it was oddly silent. No one was around, Arian got off of the speeder and took out his saber. Once my feet hit the ground, I knew why. It was a horrible sensation, I broke out into a cold sweat and I became extremely nervous, I hunched over a little looking left and right. I felt as if someone was watching me. The saber ignited and just in time as another came out of the smoke. Red crashed into blue making a loud bang in the air. Was that a different saber? They moved rapidly, fiercely, determined to take the others life. I felt pressure on my chest, a gentle push away from the sword fight. I got the hint and ran through the gray. That swipe was meant for me, but instead, it was met with an equally talented opponent. I tripped over a fallen metal beam and fell to the ground, I rolled over to see the lights coming towards me.

"Run! Run!" Arian screamed, kicking his opponent in the chest and running away. "Come on!" He yelled, terror in his eyes. "Hurry!" He yelled again when I looked back all I could see was gray. He had gone, but we kept running. My chest started to burn, and breathing became hard and painful. The ash coming into my lungs and not leaving it. I started to cough but continued to run. Arian grabbed my wrist and pulled me along, sprinting as fast as his legs would carry him. My legs were burning, starting to become weak. My breathing diminished and coughing more persistent. I slowed even more and Arian had to help me. "He's still following us," He said, his face now covered with gray streaks.

"Who is *cough* he?"

"Palpatine's master," Arian said, fear in his voice. "He could have easily killed me, but he wants to hunt," He said, "I have to get you to safety." He finished, I nodded not objecting. But where would I be safe? That was the question at hand. What was safe? We kept running, through ash and dust, over fallen lamp posts and still bodies. My heart started to ache, with physical and emotional pain. My people were dying, and I couldn't stop Palpatine from murdering. Arian halted and I ran into his back, his hard bone stopping me from moving forwards. I grabbed his arm because I was frozen with abhorrence, and I was trying not to fall over. He grabbed my hand and turned to face me, he was shaking, he was terrified too. "Go find a safe place, and stay there," He ordered I opened my mouth to protest but he stopped me. "Don't argue with me, just go."


"Go!" He yelled, turning me in the opposite direction and pushing me away from him. I didn't look back as I started to jog away, I heard his saber ignite and I knew he was preparing for a fate worse than death. I found a building, with people hiding inside. There were people crying, faces stained with tears and blood.

"Hey!" I yelled, trying to get attention. "Who knows Star Wars?" I asked people were startled by the question. No one answered a hush fell over the room so I asked again. "I asked, 'who knows Star Wars?'. Who's seen the movies? Read the books? Anything? How do you kill a stormtrooper?" Someone cleared their throat. I turned and saw a middle-aged man rising.

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