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Arian woke me up, his hand gently resting on my shoulder. He let his hand slide away from me, it grazed my back on its way down to his side.

"We're here," He said simply. Turning and walking out of the room. I slowly sat up and swung my legs out of the bed. My brain was foggy, and my reaction time was slow. I put on my shoes and stood up, I could hear Arian fiddling around with the ship. He came out of the cockpit and silently lead me off of the ship.

"What am supposed to do?" I asked him, he looked around at the people who had gathered to greet us.

"Act as if you belong here, they will dress you and show you to your room."

"And then what?"

"I don't know, just don't draw attention. As far as anyone knows, you're a native to Coruscant." I nodded as I was greeted with enthusiasm by people I didn't know.

"Hello, and welcome to Naboo." Said a cheery woman, I nodded to her and she leads me into the palace. "This is my home, the House of Naberrie," She said proudly, I gaped with an open mouth as I finally saw everything for the first time. The house was no house, it was a mansion with golden pillars and blue accents swirling up and down them. The dark marble floor was designed with golden swirls and a red carpet.

"This is an amazing home." I breathed, she blushed and thanked me.

"Thank you, my husband designed it."

"Ruwee?" I asked, she blushed and nodded again. This woman must be Joba, his wife. I inspected her body, she didn't look to be with child.

"How were your travels? I heard that they were smooth." She asked, taking me down a hallway past a kitchen. I could hear the sizzling meat on the stove and my stomach growled, when was the last time I ate?

"They were fine, nothing all that exciting happened honestly."

"Have you ever traveled before?" She inquired, opening a door that leads into a grand room with a large hot tub looking contraption in the middle.

"Yes, but never off of Coruscant."

"That's a shame, did your parents not have enough money?" She asked I thought her question was kind of prying but I answered honestly anyway.

"Um, no, they were just busy with their work."

"Oh, that's too bad."

"Eh, it was all right. I got to help raise my little brother," I paused, was this too much information to be giving someone I didn't  know?

"And how old is he?"

"He is eight, and he's on Coruscant still," I said, a hole growing in my stomach. What was he doing right now? Was he safe?

"He's young," She commented, closing the door behind her. She asked me to undress and climb in the tub while she filled it with suds.

"Uh, I can clean myself," I said the uncertainty dripping from my voice.

"Oh, you don't have servants that help you wash?" She asked, looking at me with a quizzical stare.

"No, I learned to clean myself when I was three," I said, offended.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize," she responded, backing out of the room. "The soap is in the cabinet and the towels are also." She said opening the door and backing out. She seemed very timid now, kind of scared of me. She closed the door and I undressed, my now sweaty and stinky clothes fell to the floor in a heap and I walked towards the bath tub. I dipped a toe in and recoiled, it was boiling hot. I swished my hand through it before walking over towards the cabinet. There were three kinds of liquid soaps, a picture of what looked like lavender, one with a rose, and another with lilac. I chose the lilac, because it was my favorite smell. I threw a dash of it in the bath and grabbed a towel placing it on the stool near the tub. I looked around the large bathroom, it had the tub in the middle, a faucet hanging above it, and lights within. There was a toilet and a sink in the corner near the door, and the cabinet across from it. Next to the cabinet I noticed were a set of double doors. I was tempted to open them, but I was naked. I looked back to the tub and decided that I should get in before the water got too cold. When I climbed in the water burned my skin, but it wasn't heated. I grabbed my leg and rubbed it, trying to comfort it I guess, I discovered that the hair on my legs sluffed off like dead skin. My brow furrowed, I was super confused. I rubbed my other leg and found it did the same. Was it like this everywhere? Was water supposed to do this? I shrugged, as long as it wasn't killing me I guess it was okay. I washed myself up and wrapped myself in a towel. There was a tentative knock at the door.

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