Problems That Cause More Problems

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Everything after that happened in slow motion. Two bodies were curled up on the floor of the muddy cell. It reeked of blood and sweat inside. I stepped over one of the bodies and rolled it over, my stomach was fighting the urge to vomit. The small elephant creature was cold to the touch, it had been dead for over a day. I held my saber higher into the air and stepped towards the other figure. Pilar was curled in a tight, still ball in the corner of the alcove. I brushed the hair away from her face, a mistake that I made. Her eyes were wide open and glazed over with sickness. Her expression, one of shock. Nothing was registering to her brain. Her body was rigid and unmoving. Mark gasped at the sight of these two prisoners and backed out of the jail cell. I squatted next to Pilar, my mind evaluating her condition. I extinguished my saber. I can't just leave her. I scooped her up into my arms the best I could. Her joints were locked in a fetal position and it was extremely difficult to get her into a position that made it easy for me to walk without dropping her. Her muscles relaxed a fraction with my movement, she whimpered.

"It's all right, I'm here." I whispered, catching myself with my words. My heart ached, her pain was affecting my emotions. I can't feel this way. But I had to be compassionate. I stepped over the dead blue thing and out of the putrid compartment. Pilar was becoming heavy, harder to me to carry but I ignored the struggle. "Is there another way out other than up?" I whispered, obviously there was not. No light was coming from down the hallway, only the light from the torches. Mark walked forwards, confidently. What is he doing?

"I have an idea, I'll create a distraction upstairs and you can slip out." He paused and thought for a moment. "What is Jabba most afraid of?"

"The Republic."

"So, you?" He asked I nodded my head. "But you're carrying Pilar..."

"I know." I said flatly, an idea sprung into my mind. I gently set Pilar on the ground and took my saber from its holster on my belt. "Here, take this." I demanded, forcing Mark to hold my weapon. "Threaten Jabba with this, and then run." Mark shook his head. "Do it, other wise you may as well turn us in. Unless someone creates chaos or some sort of distraction there is no chance of our escape."

"But, only Jedi are allowed to wield such an elegant weapon."

"Today, we are going to break that rule," I said, looking down to Pilar. She groaned, I crouched next to her and then looked back to Mark who stared at her with immense concern. "Go," I demanded. Begrudgingly Mark sprinted up the stairs with my saber. I stroked Pilar's face, maybe she could feel my touch, she was so cold. "I will get you to safety. I will return you to your family. I promise."

"Don't make promises you can't keep, Jedi." Growled a dark voice behind me. I turned to see a Gamorrean staring at me in the face. I pushed him back with the force, slamming him into the rock wall. I let him go and he fell unconscious to the floor. The other guard had his staff and charged me. I countered his attack with a simple move, flipping him onto his back and depriving him of his weapon. I heard screams and exclaims upstairs, I knew I had to go. I kicked the guard in the head to stun him while I went back to Pilar. I lifted her again and went as quickly as I could to the main room. I moved as fast as I could without falling over. I weaved around the side of the bar, only glancing at Mark who was holding the saber to Jabba's throat saying that he was a monster and the things he did to creatures was cruel and unfair. I didn't stay to listen, of course, I had a mission to complete. I ducked out of the main room and down another flight of stairs. I was surprised to see the Guards still asleep down here. As I looked closer I noticed that they were dead. Why were they dead? Their throats had been slashed.

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