Chapter 2 - Kryptonite

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Chapter 2


It's been a day and a half of driving and it is hell. We only stopped a couple times from pit stops. I talked to Raine and listened to music the whole time.

"Hunny, I know its been a long drive and you did want to move but here it is." Mom said. We pulled up to 1711 Acadia rd. It looked huge from the outside. I ran out of the car and went to the door. Mom came up behind me and unlocked it. I ran inside. Honestly, I just wanted to be inside a house and not that god damn car. "You get the basement!" My mom yelled. I ran down the stairs and opened the door. The movers were moving all my boxes in but other than that, it was empty. My room was a really dark blue. They brought in my mattress and laid it on the floor. They brought the rest of the boxes in and went to bring the other ones upstairs. I laid down on the mattress and grabbed a blanket that was in a box. No way I was setting up a bed tonight. I texted Raine to tell her that we were here safe then I laid down and tried to sleep.


I heard the door open and close upstairs.

"Caelyn! We have a visitor!" Mom yelled.

"15 minutes mom!" I yelled and ran to one of the boxes that had my clothes in it. I grabbed a lose long sleeved red shirt and jean shorts. I put them on not bothering to shower and pulled back my hair so it was out of my face. I put my makeup on quickly and put on some body spray. I ran upstairs to see a cute boy sitting on my couch. "Dammit." I whispered under my breath. I probably don't look very nice right now.

"Hi, I'm Matt, Matt Webb." He said. I got up and extended his and out to shake. I shook it.

"Uh, Caelyn Jones." I said.

"Well Caelyn, nice to meet you." Matt said.

"You too, I'm not trying to be mean, but why are you here?" I asked. He chuckled.

"Welcoming comity....?" He didn't sound to convinced but I let it slide.

"Oh kay, well maybe you can help me with my bed?" I asked.

"Sure." He said. We walked downstairs to my room. "So, why'd you move to Vancouver?" Matt asked. I smiled, I think I might be able to get along with this boy.

"I was forced by my mom, she got a new job." I said while helping him flip the mattress on the the bed frame.

"Oh, so how old are you?" Matt asked. I opened my box with my bed clothes in it.

"17." I said. I put the sheet on the bed.

"Same, when's your birthday?" Matt asked.

"March 13th 1984." I said.

"No way! Mines March 12th!" Matt jumped up and down. I laughed and continued to make the bed.

"Cool, so, what do you do around here?" I asked putting the final sheet on. I threw the pillows on and sat down.

"I'm looking for new band mates with my good friend Josh." He said. I smiled.

"What do you play?" I asked.

"Guitar. Why, do you play?" He asked with a smile plastered on his face.

"Yeah, I sing too. My guitar is over there." I pointed to the corner of my room. Matt ran over and grabbed it.

"Play me something." He ordered.

"Uh kay." I started to play Kryptonite by Three Doors Down. Also known as my favourite song ever. When I finished Matt was clapping like a crazy man. "Thanks." I smiled. Literally for the rest of the day Matt and I talked, laughed and unpacked. At least I know I'm going to have one friend here.

"Hey Caelyn, I should get going, its getting late. See ya tomorrow?" Matt asked.

"Sure, bye Matty." I waved to him as he walked out my bedroom door. I looked at the clock. 11. I took out my journal that I write in every once in a blue moon. I wrote what was going on in my life and I fell asleep at around 3am.


Hey! New chapter! She met Matt! Yay! kay byes!

Porcelain - A Marianas Trench/ Josh Ramsay fanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora