Chapter Sixteen

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If I'm James Dean, Then You're Audrey Hepburn

Chapter Sixteen

Justin's POV

I hadn't slept at all since my encounter with Noah yesterday. Kellin came over and tried to talk to me, but I wouldn't say anything to him. He was still trying, he wouldn't let up. I was distant, I didn't want to talk to anyone but her. I needed to talk to her.

"Come on, just go talk to her at her house, that way she can't say she has to be somewhere or taking care of her dad," Kellin said. "Plus, you said it yourself, she said that you know where to find her."

"No, she's having dinner with Austin and Alan tonight. I can't go over and ruin that," I said sighing. "Alan told me, by the way, not her."

"Fine. How about we play a game," he said walking over to my tv and grabbing two controllers. "If you beat me, then you don't have to go talk to Noah, but if I win you have to grow some balls and go talk to her."

And that's how I ended up on Noah's doorstep with flowers in my hand. I rang the doorbell and waited patiently. I stood there, my palms sweaty, and I was shaking horribly bad. I didn't want what I was going to do or what I was going to say to her.

Calm down, I told myself.

I heard the door slowly open up and then, "Oh, crap." I looked up meeting my eyes with hers. That was the first thing she said to me.

"Can we talk?" I knew she'd probably shoot me down, but it was worth a shot. I promised Kellin I would talk to her and now here I was.

"Justin, I'm in the middle of dinner," she said glancing behind her making sure her family wasn't coming.

"It'll take five minutes, please, Noah," I said begging her.

"Alright," she said and step outside closing the door behind her. "Five minutes."

I smiled. I grabbed her hand and pulled her down to sit next to me now the steps.

"Noah, here me out, okay? I'm sorry about making you choose between me and Sam," I began. "I know he told you that I stole his girlfriend, but I didn't he stole mine and I didn't want him to do that with us. I don't hate him because he stole my ex, I hate him because he was gonna try to steal you from me and I didn't want that. I knew you weren't gonna pick me, but I'd rather have lost you because of my stupidity, than have him steal you away from me. Noah," I looked at her taking a deep breath, "I can't lose you like this. Please give me another chance. That's all I'm asking for is one more chance with the girl that I fell in love with."

She looked at me not knowing what to say. I looked her in the eyes, surprise, and some other emotion that I couldn't read.

"Noah?" I asked staring at her. All she did was blink.

I was stood up and brushed off my pants and put the flowers next to her on the stairs. I turned around to walk away when she grabbed my hand and pulled herself up. I was expecting her to say something, but instead she grabbed my face and pushed her lips to mine.

I stood there in shock as she moved her lips against mine. I finally comprehended what she was doing and kissed her back. I wrapped my arms around her waist as she wrapped her around my neck.

Kissing her felt so right. Our lips fit together like puzzle pieces and made fireworks go off in my body. My body was warm and full of happiness.

"Noah," I said breaking away from her, "I-


Did I hear him right? Did he actually say what I think he said? Those three words made my heart stop and my face heat up. His forehead was against mine and I smiled at him.

"I love you, too, Justin," I told him truthfully.

"So does this mean you'll be my girlfriend again?" He asked smiling.

"Yes, but I have to get back inside before my parents think I've been kidnapped," I said, I really don't think they need to think I've been kidnapped twice in one day.

"Alright, see ya later," he pulled me into a hug.

"Bye, Justin," I said stepping back inside.

I made my way back into the dining room where everyone was still waiting for me.

"Who was at the door, sweetie?" My mom asked me.

"Justin Hills, you know, the guy you said I wasn't aloud to see?" I wasn't gonna lie to my parents, but I was gonna give them a little attitude. He was after all my boyfriend again.

"What did he want?" Austin asked curiously.

I glared at him. "He asked me out, again."

"Did you turn him down nicely?" My dad asked.


"Well you could've done it nicely," he said giving me a pointed look. "You know, just because we don't exactly think he's what's best for you, doesn't mean you have to be mean to him, honey."

"I didn't turn him down at all," I said getting a little frustrated.

"So, you left him standing there then?" My mom asked me.

"No, mom, dad, I told him yes. You might not like him because he has plugs and tattoos, but I do," I half yelled at them.

"What? I thought we raised you better than that," she said angrily.

"You didn't raise me to hate people like my brother and Alan. They're different, but I don't care. I love him!"

Everyone's jaws in the room dropped to the floor.

"That's my girl!" Austin finally said.

I smiled at Austin as he stood up to hug me.

"Finally you two made up," he whispered in my ear. "I've been waiting, you two are perfect for each other."


"I'm sorry I didn't tell you before," I said to my parents as we say on the couch. Austin and Alan were on either side of me.

"It's alright, we understand," my mother said taking a seat next to my father. "We didn't like the thought of our baby girl with him, but if he makes you happy, we'll give him a chance."

"Okay. Thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means to me."

Austin and Alan both stood up. "We should get going. It's getting late," Austin said.

I stood up and hugged both of the guys.

"I'll see you guys later."

"Bye, Noah."

My parents both said their goodbyes and went off to bed leaving me alone in the living room with a half eaten cake. I grabbed one of the forks sitting on the coffee table, grabbed the cake, and made my way upstairs.

I began to open my door and took a bite of the cake.This cake was soo good.

"Well if it's soo good maybe you could share," a voice said.

I pushed my door open the rest of the way and there was Justin sitting on my bed, window open.

Seriously, what was it with guys coming in through my window. Too bad he isn't shirtless.


Only a few more chapters till the end!!!





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