Chapter Fourteen

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If I'm James Dean, Then You're Audrey Hepburn

Chapter Fourteen

Noah's POV

It's been two weeks since the accident. They still haven't found the man who shot my father, but they are still looking for him. He's gone back to work to finish off the summer semester and then he said he was going to be taking a break from the fall semester.

Warped was over and Austin was coming over tomorrow night, with Alan to meet my parents and stay for dinner. I have to make all the food, clean the house, make the dessert, set the table, pick out the game, and make sure everything goes as plan. He's my brother and he's meeting my family, something I should have never been apart of.

It was gonna be one heck of a night, but it was of course my idea to have them over. Alan, well he was coming over because I honestly needed to talk to him. He's been there for me, with the whole Sam and Justin thing going on. Austin, I was sure he wanted to hit Justin in the face, but I don't know if he ever got the chance.

I knew Justin was back in town and I made sure to not go out of the house as much as possible, I didn't want to risk the chance of running into him. I know it was highly unlikely that it would happen, but better safe then sorry, right?

"Mom," I called walking into her room. There was a box of pizza laying on her bed, all the slices were gone.

"Yeah, honey?" She asked while flipped through the channels on the tv and taking a bite of her pizza slice.

"I'm gonna head out to pick up some things for tomorrow night, do you want me to get you anything while I'm out?" I asked her pulling up the strap of my bag farther up onto my shoulder. I was shuffling my feet, feeling quite awkward that my mom was pregnant.

"Yes, can you get me a bar of chocolate and a tub of cookies and creme extreme ice cream?" I knew she was gonna ask if I could get her that. Every time my dad went out to get groceries she would ask him to pick up those two things. I wish I could eat like that.

"Sure thing, mom, I'll be back in a few hours," I told her. "Call if you need anything."

"I will," she said as I walked out the door and made my way downstairs.

I grabbed the keys from the counter and went out to the car. I hopped into my mom's blue Mustang and revved the engine. I pulled out of the driveway and drove into town. The one place I was always dreading to go in case I ran into you know who, and no I'm not talking about Voldemort.


I grabbed the ice cream carton out of the stores fridge and placed it in my cart next to the other various items I needed. I decided I was gonna make pasta, hoping to bring back the memories of Austin and I's night out. I chuckled at the memory. I grabbed a few chocolate bars for my mom and went to check out.

My stomach growled at me and protested for food. As soon as I paid for the items and ran outside and put all the food in the trunk. I got in the car and drove to the first place I thought of, Highway 55.

I walked in a took a seat at the table by myself. I looked around the place awkwardly am took in the surroundings.

"Hello, welcome to Highway 55! I'm Jess, and I'll be your waitress today, can I start you off with a drink?" A cheery brunette asked. She smiled brightly down at me.

"Yes, can I get a Coke please?" I asked nicely. I wasn't in the mood to be here, but I was hungry and wanted to eat. This was the first place I thought of, mostly because I was thinking about Justin and I's date here. I guess it was a date.

"Sure thing! I'll be back in just a moment. Here's a menu," she said handing over a plastic covered menu with various food items.

I looked through it making sure to read every meal. My stomach growled just looking at the food.

"You should try the chili cheese dog, it's amazing," a familiar voice said from in front of me. I put the menu down and saw the one person I was hoping not to run into.

"J-Justin, what are you doing here?" I asked slowly. My heart rate picked up and my hands became clammy. I would be lying if I said I wasn't thrilled to see him, because I was, but I was also frightened beyond belief.

"I'm here to eat, same as you," he said casually acting as if seeing me was no big deal at all.

"Why are you talking to me, you told me to choose you or Sam, then stormed off and never even gave me a reason!" I said anger clear in my voice.

"I know, I should've told you why, I was just scared of the way you'd react!" He pleaded trying to get me to listen to him.

"Well guess what, you didn't, but what you did do was tell my brother and not me, the one person who deserved to know!" I yelled, drawing in attention from the other customers.

"I'm sorry!"

"Sure you are," I said sarcastically rolling my eyes at her.

"Here's your drink ma'am," my waitress came back up. "Is he bothering you?" She eyed Justin up and down. Jealously boiled inside me.

"Yes, can I get the chili cheese dog to-go? And no, he's not bothering me, we're just trying to have a conversation, now go do your job."

"Sure thing," she said and walked away. I could've sworn I heard Justin mumble something like 'she's yelling at the waitresses again'. I couldn't help but chuckle lightly.

"I am sorry," Justin said staring at me straight in the eyes. I knew he wasn't lying, but I decided to have a little fun with it.

"How do I know that you are?"

I really didn't want to do this right now, but I might not have any other time to do it. I want him to explain everything, but right now he's been keeping secrets from me, and that's not something I want.

"You just have to trust me on this," he begged.

"Justin, I don't have time for this. I need to get home and clean and take care of my parents. My dad will be getting home from work soon and I need to change his bandages. I'm sorry," I said when the waitress came up and handed me my bag of food.

"Please, just let me explain."

"No," I said walking up to the register and paying, "I don't have time."

"Can't you make time?"

"Oh, you mean like how you had time to explain why you hate Sam?" I was mad, upset, sad, and all I wanted to do was cry, but I couldn't. "I have to go, Justin, whenever you're ready to tell me everything, you know where to find me."


"Austin, I don't know what to do about it," I whined into the phone. I really should be getting ready for tomorrow night, but I had a problem and needed to talk to someone.

"You'll figure it out, I promise, we'll talk about it tomorrow night," he said in reply.

"But, Austin!"

"But, Noah!"

"You're no help!" I complained.

"You should just talk to him," he sighed.

"I want to, but I'm too scared," I told him honestly.

"There's nothing wrong with being a little scared. "I've gotta go it's already twelve."

"Okay, see you tomorrow Austin," I said and hung up the phone.

I got up from my current spot on the couch and made my way upstairs. I opened the door to my room and froze at the sight in front of me. There he stood shirtless staring back at me.







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