Chapter Four

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If I'm James Dean, Then You're Audrey Hepburn

Chapter Four

Justin's POV

Warped Tour was coming up in a few weeks and I needed a way to tell Noah. I wanted her to come with me, but highly doubted that her parents would even let her, seeing as they didn't like me one bit. 

"Hey, Justin, c'mon we gotta practice," Kellin called over at me from the stage, microphone in hand, and ready to  perform. Kellin Quinn was the singer of our band and did a great job and had plenty of fans. 

"Alright," I called back and began walking up to the stage.

I grabbed my bass and waited for Jesse's lead. We started playing 'Low' and Kellin sang. It was one of our newer songs from our album "Feel." 

After the song was over I asked the guys, "can we play James Dean?" It was one of our older songs, but the fans still seemed to love it. 

"Sure, but why?" Kellin asked concerned as to why I would ask to play that song. I usually never request a song to play, and always let Kellin pick the songs, since he was the singer. 

"I don't know," I lied. "I just would like to play it." Noah was the reason why I wanted to play it, it made me think of her. 


Kellin began the song, "Stay for tonight

If you want to

I can show you

What my dreams are made of, 

As I'm dreaming of your face

I've been away for a long time

Such a long time

And I miss you there

I can't imagine being anywhere else

I can't imagine being anywhere else but here."

We played a couple more songs and then had a band meeting to talk about the upcoming Warped Tour. 

Kellin began the conversation, "guys, I gotta bring Copeland along with us to Warped."

"What? Why?" The ginger, Jesse, asked completely confused as to why Kellin had to bring his daughter along with him. She was only his little baby girl and Warped Tour wasn't exactly the best place to bring your baby. 

"Katelynn is going on vacation with a few of her friends and I promised her that I would watch Copeland. I just don't know how I'll be able to watch Cope while we're playing," Kellin informed everybody. "I don't want to leave her with other band members or techs because they have other jobs they have to do and can't always be there." 

I knew Kellin was frustrated about the Copeland situation and truly didn't want to bring her along, but he had promised Kate that she could go on vacation and he would take care of Copeland. I know how much Kate has to watch Cope, so it makes sense why Kellin said she would watch her, she needs some daddy time. 

"Maybe you could have a babysitter to watch her, like Austin or Vic," Gabe offered, giving out ideas to help Kellin. 

"They have signings and shows to play, too," I said, "but you could always bring a babysitter with us to watch her while we having shows and signings, that way we have someone to watch her whenever we need her to be watched." 

"Do you know somebody?" Jack asked raising an eyebrow at me. 

"Yeah but I don't know if she'd be up to," I began, "and with Austin being there," I trailed off not knowing exactly if they were related, but I had a pretty good feeling they were seeing the resemblance between them. 

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