Chapter Nine

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If I'm James Dean, Then You're Audrey Hepburn

Chapter Nine

"Okay, I'll meet you in like twenty minutes stay right there," I said into the phone.


I hung up the phone and ran to get changed. I threw on my shorts and Justin's Jaws shirt. I had to tie it so it wasn't too big. I put on my Vans, grabbed mine and Sam's passes, and went over to Justin's bunk. I opened the curtain, letting light fill through his bunk. He stirred and turned to face me.

"What?" He whined. His voice was low and sexy.

"I'm heading out, I wanted to give you something before I left," I said with a smile plastered to my face.

"What would that be?" He asked raising an eyebrow at me with a cheeky grin on his face.

"Come here and you'll find out," I said smirking. He scooted closer and I took his face in my hands. I kissed him. It was quick, but full of love nonetheless. I pulled away from him, but he pulled me back, sitting up in his bunk. He pulled me closer so I was in between his legs. He took my face in my hands and kissed me. This time it was rough and tender.

"Now that's a kiss," he said when he pulled away. "You look good in my shirt by the way. You should wear my clothes more often, make sure everyone knows you're mine."

"And why would I ever do something like that?" I giggled and interlaced our fingers together. 

"Hmm because you are mine and nobody else can have you," he said placing his hand on my waist. His eyes moved down to stare at my lips. I bit my bottom lip and pretended to think about what he said. 

"Give me your Anthem Made SnapBack," I demanded and he placed the hat on my head. "There now I'm wearing more of your clothing, so everybody knows I'm yours and nobody elses."

He pulled me closer and pressed his lips to mine. "You're beautiful," he whispered against my lips and I smiled.

"I've got to go. I'll see you in a little while," I told him, taking a step away from him so he couldn't pull me back into his embrace. 

"Bye, babe."

I left the bus, but not before grabbing my phone. 

I walked around a little bit, checking out where all the tents were at. I then walked to where I said I'd meet Sam. He was standing there, his back against the wall and long brown hair flowing in the gentle breeze. I smiled. I forgot how much I missed him.

"SAMMIE!" I screamed and ran towards him. He looked up and smiled. He opened his arms and I jumped in them. "I missed you."

"I missed you, too, Noah," he said into my hair. We stayed like that for a while.

"Here, I got you a pass," I said handing him over his backstage pass.

"Thank you so much!" He said pulling me into another hug.

"You're welcome, Sammie, now come on. You wanna meet Sleeping With Sirens, right?"

"Yeah," he said like a little girl that got her first Barbie doll or whatever little girls wanted when they were little.

I grabbed his hand and dragged him over to the bus. I could see movement from the windows and heard voices. "Come on." I pulled him with me onto the bus. "Hey, guys, I brought someone with me," I said stepping into the front room. Sam followed behind me, his smile was so big I couldn't believe it.

"Who's this?" Kellin asked while feeding Copeland her breakfast. She began giggling at Sam.

"This is Sam. He's my absolute best friend and a big fan of you guys. Where's Justin?" I asked looking around the room as if he was hiding behind one of the guys. 

"Of course you'd ask," Jesse said smirking and rolling his eyes at me. 

"Well, I'm his girlfriend," I pointed out. "Anyway now were is he?"

"Yes, yes, we know, maybe even more than that," Kellin said looking at me. I knew what he was getting at and I wasn't at all amused. 

"Shut up and eat your pancakes," I snapped sounding like Beau Bokan from their music video.

"Fine, fine, he's in the bathroom showering. Feel free to join him, I'm sure he'll enjoy that, too." Kellin began laughing along with the other guys.

I smacked him on the arm. "Sam," I looked over at him, he was still smiling like a complete weirdo, "you can hang out with the guys while I go get Justin. I'll just be a few minutes."

"And by a few minutes she means an hour," I heard Jesse say. I shot him a glare and he raised his hands in defense.

Sam didn't so much as look at me, only nodded. I walked out of the room and made my way to the bathroom and I knocked on the door. I could hear the water running, so I began to pound on the door.

"What?" I heard him scream probably thinking I was Kellin wanting to do my hair, which takes him forever.

"Hurry up in there!" I screamed back making sure he heard me. 

I sat there waiting for him for another five minutes. He opened the door, his towel hanging low on his hips. I stared at him, unable to help myself and my mouth began to water. I could've sworn I was drooling at him. "Please, put some clothes on," I said looked at his tone chest and taking every square inch of his almost naked body.

"Why can't handle this?" He was being cocky and motioned up and down at his body, that no I could not handle.

I didn't know what to say, all I could do was stare. He began coming closer to me. He cupped my face with his hands and pushed his lips to mine. I was against the wall at this point. My shirt was already damp from him and my fingers were wet from running my fingers through his hair. I finally mustered enough courage to push him away, but took one more look at him and pulled him right back where he was before. Our lips moved together in sync. I pushed him away again, this time not bring him back.

"Now, go get dressed. There's someone I want you to meet," I said pushing him back into the bathroom. He was back out in five minutes. He had on a pair of tan shorts, a black Anthem Made shirt, black Vans, and a black SnapBack that he wore backwards. "Now we even look like a couple," I told him with a smile.

He came towards me and leaned his head down so his lips met mine. I wanted nothing more than to continue making out with him, but I gently broke away from him. 

"Don't distract me, Hills," I whispered. He only smirked at me. 

"Oh, you know you like being distracted," he whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine. He pushed me back against the wall and put his hands by my head. 

He was so close I could smell his minty breath fanning my face.

"Come here," I said grabbing his face and pressing his lips to mine. Our lips moved in sync with each others.  His hands came around my waist holding me in place and my hand were tangled in his now dry hair. I forgot the world and focused on just us kissing. His hands removed themselves from my waist and traveled down to my thighs, he gently picked me up and my legs instantly wrapped around his waist. We broke away for air. 

"Come on, I want you to meet someone," I said grabbing his hand and he put me down. I pulled him along with. We walking into the front room. "Hey guys."

"Hey," the guys said in sync.

"Sam," I said. He looked up at me.

"Yeah?" He asked as if he didn't care for Justin what so ever.

"Meet Justin Hills, my boyfriend. Justin this is Sam Michaels, my best friend." They looked at each other.

They looked like they were about to kill each other with their bare hands.

"Is something wrong?" I whispered to Justin.

He just looked at me, he didn't even say anything, just pushed away from me and left the bus. I looked from Sam to Jesse to Kellin to Gabe to Jack. I ran off the bus after Justin. The last thing I heard was, "what the hell just happened?"


"What the hell was that?" I screamed when I caught up with Justin grabbing his arm and spinnig him around to face. 

"He's your best friend?" He spat.

"Yes, he is, why?" I asked.

"I don't want you hanging out with him," his voice was stern.

"Oh, okay, who do you think you are? My father?"

"No, I'm your boyfriend and I don't want you to be friends with him."

I didn't know what I was doing, but I walked up to Justin and slapped him across the face. "Don't you ever tell me what to do. You might be my boyfriend, but you sure as hell aren't my best friend."

"I don't want you to he friends with him. It's me or him, your choice," he said.

I smacked him again and said, "you don't get to make me choose."

With that I ran away from him and made my way to my brother's tour bus.






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