Chapter Five

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If I'm James Dean, Then You're Audrey Hepburn

Chapter Five

"They said yes!" I said excitedly into the phone. I couldn't stop the smile on my face, it was actually beginning to hurt. 

"I know! I get to spend more time with you! You wanna hang out tonight?" Justin asked. He shared the same excitement as me and you could tell he was smiling and possibly jumping up and down from the excitement, I wasn't five hundred percent positive. 

"Sure, how about the beach? My parents are having a "date" night and I don't want to be in the house for that," I slightly giggled, knowing what would probably be going on. It wouldn't be pleasant to stay here for that. 

"Alright, meet me at the pier at five," he told me. 

"Okay, see you then Justin. Bye!"


I still had few hours till two which was when I was gonna start getting ready. So I decided to watch a movie and relax. I know two was a little early to start getting ready, but chances are I'd procrastinate, which is why I always began getting ready super early. 

I couldn't believe I was going on a tour and I get to spend time with Justin. I felt a pang of guilt, I had to lie to my parents because of a boy. What's wrong with me? I never lie to my parents, I was always an open book with them, but now, not so much. Things were beginning to change. 

I goofed around until two. I went to take a shower making sure to be extra clean for tonight. After I showered I changed into basketball shorts and a random t-shirt. I turned on my music and started dancing around to We The Kings. 

You've got to love We The Kings. 

I brushed my hair out and dried it. I plugged in my straight iron and put mousse in my hair. I braided my hair into six strands and slowly took my straightener and straightened each braid. I took my hair out of the braids and sprayed hair spray through my hair. My usual pin straight brown hair was now a perfect mess of waves, just how I liked it. Messy.

I smiled at the way my hair looked. Hopefully Justin likes it as well. I mean, I wanna look nice for our date. Wait, is it a date? Or are we just hanging out as friends? He wouldn't have kissed me if we were just friends, right? 

I'm confused.

I put on my makeup this time adding eyeshadow and red lipstick. By the time I finished my hair and makeup it was already 4:15. I danced around my room still listening to We The Kings. I stripped from my shorts and t-shirt and grabbed my outfit.

I put on black shorts and a blue tank top with lace boarders. I put on a gray flowy tank. I added a few bracelets and my lucky Mayday Parade guitar pick necklace. While walking out the door I grabbed my bag, my black jacket, and my gray Toms.

"Mom, dad, I'm going to the beach! Have fun," I called to them. You could hear the cheekiness in my voice when I said that. I left the house in a rush, trying to get to the beach as fast as possible. 

I pulled my phone out of my bag and placed my headphones in. I turned on my Pandora and listened to my All Time Low radio.

I walked all the way to the pier and sat underneath it. The beach was empty for it being summer time in Florida, but it was. I watched the waves crash against the shore and I listened to my music. The sun was slowly beginning to go down. The sky was different shades of yellows, oranges, deep reds, and purples. It was stunning. 

I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice that Justin came up and sat down next to me.

He pulled my headphone out of my ear and I growled at him, not liking what he just did. I didn't like when people touched my headphones.

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