Chapter Twelve

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If I'm James Dean, Then You're Audrey Hepburn

Chapter Twelve

"Austin, did you buy my plane ticket?" I asked while throwing my clothes into my bags along with all my other belongings.

"Yeah, I got it, calm down, he'll be fine," he said taking my hands away from my clothes and holding them inside his own.

"I hope you're right." I was panicking to say the least. I felt like I was gonna vomit any minute. What if he wasn't alright? What if he dies and leaves me? I won't have a father then.

"I know I am. Now lets get you finished packing, you have a long flight ahead of you," he said hugging me. I had more than a long flight ahead of me. I had a lot of worry and pain to deal with all at the same time.


"Alright, the taxi will be here any minute. Are you ready to go?" Alan asked me, concerned laced in his voice. I've grown very fond of Alan and I would miss him more than anything. "You will text and call me every chance you get, right?"

"Yeah, I think so," I said holding my bags in my hands. "I will be sure to text and call you when I get to the hospital." I had managed to not cry all afternoon, but now that I was about to leave the comfort of the guys I didn't know how much I could handle.

The cab pulled up and we stuck my bags inside the trunk. Austin climbed into the car. I gave Alan, Aaron, Tino, and Phil a hug. I already gave Jesse, Jack, Gabe, and Kellin a hug before. I was sure to stop by and tell them what happened, they had every right to know why I was leaving when I was. Justin, well Justin didn't know I was leaving at all unless one of the guys told him, but part of my felt like they didn't so he wouldn't think I was leaving because of him.

"I'll see you guys later," I said pulling on a fake smile. I knew I was beginning to cry. I was gonna miss these guys, especially Alan. "Bye." My voice broke when I said the final word.

I climbed into the cab and sat next to Austin. He already told the driver where to take us. I sat there in silence, thinking about my dad and Justin and what I'm going to do about the both of them.

Sam had to leave to go back to his grandma's and had said bye before he left. I told him about what happened with my dad and he said he wishes he could be there. I told him it was fine and that I had more things to worry about then him being there.

"Here we are," Austin said as we pulled up to the airport. We stepped out of the cab and Austin told him to wait a few minutes. Austin grabbed my bags and we made our way inside.

"Thank you for everything, Austin," I said hugging him and taking my bags from him.

"Flight 631 to San Francisco," the flight attended called through the speakers, "you are now boarding."

"I guess that's me," I said weakly looking at my dirt covered shoes.

"Yeah, I'm gonna miss you, sis," Austin grabbed me and pulled me into a big hug. "I just got to meet you and now you're already having to leave me. You'll call me when you land, right?"

"Yes, I'll call you as soon as I can."

"Don't worry, I won't tell Justin why you left," he promised me. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you, too. I better get going though." I broke free from Austin's grip and began walking away from him.

I looked back over by shoulder and smiled at him and waved the best I could. I entered the plane with my drawstring bag flung over shoulder. I found my seat and sat down. I was sitting by myself, thank God.

If I'm James Dean, Then You're Audrey HepburnWhere stories live. Discover now