Chapter Thirteen

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If I'm James Dean, Then You're Audrey Hepburn

Chapter Thirteen

Justin's POV

"Calm down, she'll be fine," Jack said patting my shoulder while I paced back and forth after our signing. She hadn't called me back, I expected that she wouldn't, but now I was beginning to worry that she wasn't okay.

"I don't know," I said honestly. "I haven't talked her to, she won't call me back or reply to any of my texts."

I was worried. Worried about how her dad was doing, worried about how she was doing, worried if she still wanted me, worried if she loved me the way I love her.

"Maybe you should go talk to Austin about her. She's bound to talk to him about it. He is her brother after all," he told me. He was right, maybe Austin could tell me how she is. He hates me for what I've done to his sister.

"Thanks, Jack. If anyone asks, I'm with Alan or Austin," I said and began running in the direction of the Of Mice & Men tent.

It was getting darker out so I needed to talk to Austin soon. On my way there, I was stopped by a few fans and signed some things for them, took pictures, and hugged them. I excused myself and said I had to so something and then ran off.

"Austin!" I called once I spotted Austin and Alan walking towards their bus.

They both turned around and faced me. Their lips pressed into thin lines and glares on their faces.

"Yeah?" He said once I approached them.

"I need to ask you something," I said looking at Alan, "alone."

"Alright," Austin said. "Alan I'll see you in a little while, save me some pizza." Alan nodded at him as then turned around and went to catch up with Tino, Phil, and Aaron.

"What did you want?" Austin asked.

"I need to know about Noah. I have literally been pacing around wondering about her. Wondering is she's okay, if her dad's okay, if she's mad at me, Austin, please I need to know," I practically begged.

"Her dad is fine. I can't exactly say the same for her, you did hurt her after all, but she misses you, she told me herself. She wants to hear the truth from you, but she wants to do it face-to-face, not over the phone. Plus she's been worrying about her dad, that's why she hasn't returned her calls. I'm the only person she's talked to, besides her mom, since she stepped on that plane. Justin the best thing you can do is go to her," he told me truthfully.

"Thanks. Tell her I miss her," I said and just as Austin was about to turn around and leave, I spoke up again. "Can I tell you everything?"

"Everything?" He pressed.

"Everything. About how we met, what happened between me and Sam," I said completely unsure that I wanted to tell him, but it's the best shot I've got.

"Fine," he said. I knew he really didn't want to hear what I had to say because I hurt his sister, but he needed to know, since she won't talk to me. "We're gonna talk on the bus, though, I'm starving and want my pizza."


We made our way back to the bus where hot pizza was waiting for Austin to devour. He grabbed a slice, and then another, and another. He was on his fifth piece before he sat down and gestures for me to sit next to him.

"So what is it you have to tell me?"

So I began, I told him everything from Katrina, to the day I ran into Noah. The way she took my breath way just by her smile. I told him about our first kiss and how her parents didn't want us to see each other. I told him about how much I care about his sister and that I would never intentionally hurt her. "Austin, I'm in love with your sister," I finished.

"Yeah, no kidding," he said with a smile. "The way you talk about her gives off quite an impression on how much you do. It's obvious."

"It really is!" Alan called from the back room. I rolled my eyes at the crazy cat loving ginger.

"I'm with Alan on this one," Aaron said from his bunk.

"The guys are right, everyone knows you love her, except her," Tino said walking and grabbing a water from the mini fridge.

"The good thing is, she loves you, too," Alan yelled again.

"How would you know?" I asked him.

"She told me, duh!" He said like it was the most normal thing in the world.

"She told you, but not me?" Austin yelled sounding a little hurt.

"She didn't have time, it happened the day of the incident."

"What's with all the yelling, can a man not get sleep?" Phil yelled from his bunk.

"Sorry," we all yelled in unison.

"Here's what I think you should do," Austin said leaning in and telling me his plan.

"That's perfect! Thanks, man," I said giving him a bro-hug thing.

"Anytime," he said with a smile, "well only if its for my sister."

"Well, I should get going, before the guys think that I've been kidnapped by a crazy fan or something," I said with a slight chuckle.

"Yeah, I'll talk to you later, I gotta call Noah and see how she's doing anyway," he said standing up. I did the same, waved goodbye, and left the bus.


Austin's POV

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed Noah's number. She picked up after the third ring.

"Hey, Austin," she said weakly. I knew she had been crying, it was obvious by her voice.

"Hey, how are you doing?" I asked genuinely concerned.

"I'll be fine, I miss you already," she said.

"Miss me or miss Justin?" I knew what her answer was gonna be.


"I was talking to him today," I told her truthfully.

"You were?" She asked her voice picking up a little at the mention of him.

"Yeah, he told me why he hates Sam so much."

"Cause Sam stole back his little toy," she now seemed mad and definitely wasn't going to let it go.

"No, he told me the truth."

"The truth? How do you know he was telling the truth," she scoffed.

"His eyes, you'd be surprised what stories they hold," I said sounding like I'm some kind of eye expert.

"What is the truth?" She asked.

"I can't tell you," I said while hopping into my bunk. I didn't bother changing just pulled off my jeans.

"Why not?"

"Because that's something he needs to tell you, not me."

"I'm such an idiot for believing Sam in the first place," she said sounding sad and mad at herself.

"It's okay, you didn't know, Justin's not mad you, he's just missing you," I said.

"I need to talk to him, but not over the phone, face-to-face."

"You'll get your chance. Anyway, I gotta get some sleep," I told her.

"I do, too, but these chairs are so not comfortable. Okay, well anyway, good luck tomorrow, have fun and tell Justin I miss him," she said.

"Bye," I said and hung up the phone. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


Sorry that the chapter is so short, but hey, on the bright side my writers block is gone so you'll be getting more chapters soon!!





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