Chapter Ten

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If I'm James Dean, Then You're Audrey Hepburn

Chapter Ten

Justin's POV

"You don't get to make me choose," she said venom laced in her voice, making my heart break with every single word she spoke. Did she not see that Sam was in love with her and would do anything to ruin our relationship? I guess I'm just the one who ruined it, not her, and not him. 

I watched her run away from me. Just like that she was running away from someone she cared about again. I just ruined everything. 

I made my way back to the bus not even turning to glance at Noah. I knew I had hurt her by not explaining why I hated Sam Michaels, but I couldn't, I couldn't tell anyone why we hated each other. I couldn't even tell her that Sam and I had known each other, or that he was once my best friend.

Sam wasn't on the bus when I got in. I was glad he wasn't there I would have strangled him with my bare hands.

"What was that?" Jack asked once he spotted me. 

"Is that any of your business?" I snapped.

"Sorry for being a concerned friend. Anyway, we play soon so I wouldn't get all mopey, we need our bassist," he said standing up from his spot on the couch. He left me standing there.

I guess I need to go get ready, I thought to myself. I went over to the couch and plopped down. I could feel my eyes begin to sting, but I blinked back the tears. I just ruined everything and there was nothing I could do to fix it. I just seem to ruin everything I love.


Noah's POV

"Tell me exactly what happened," Austin said holding me tightly. He looked mad to say the least, like he was plotting Justin's murder behind his concerned eyes.

"Well, my best friend, Sam Michaels, came to Warped this year and he's a big fan of SWS, so I decided to introduce him to the guys, but when I brought Justin out to meet him it was like a full on death stare down. Justin left the bus when I asked him what was wrong and I followed him, then, he made me choose, him or Sam, and I didn't choose, I just ran," I said crying, "and now here we are."

I wrapped my arms around Austin and let the tears fall onto his shirt. He held my close and just let me cry. 

"I'm gonna kill him for hurting my baby sister," he said running his fingers through my hair.

"Austin," I began to choke on my tears. "Austin, I can't stay on the bus with him."

"It's okay, you can stay with me, you can stay in my bunk, it'll be fine," he said. I cover my eyes with my hands and cried even harder than before. I needed some time away from Justin, and that's exactly what I was going to get.

"Pretty little lady with the swollen eyes, would you show them to me?" He sang softly trying to pull my hands away.

I let my hands drop away from my eyes and looked at Austin. Alan was still standing over Austin watching everything going on. Austin wiped away the tears from my eyes with his thumb.

"Alan, I want you to go with me to get my stuff from the bus," I said quietly.

"Why me?" He asked kneeling down next to me.

"You were the one that convinced me to talk to Austin in the first place and I don't want Austin anywhere near Justin or Sam," I said standing up and brushing out my shirt. "I'm not sure that you'll be any better, but I don't need anything to happen between my brother and them two."

"Okay," he said standing up after me.

"I'll be over by the bus in a little while, Austin," I said taking Alan's hand and walking toward the Sleeping With Sirens bus. "Come on, Alan."

We walked on the bus, Alan's hand still in mine. I didn't like Alan, but he hand was warm and comforting, which is what I need right now more than anything. The door closed behind us with a slight bang and I winced a little at the sound. We walked up the steps and there stood Justin staring at Alan with a glare.

"Justin," I said slowly trying not to look him in the eye, "I think we need some time apart. This tour is getting to both of us." That was the hardest thing I've ever done, breaking up with the person I was in love with. 

"Why so you can be with Alan?" He growled.

"Shut up," I spoke harshly. "I don't like him."

"Then explain this," he said grabbing our hands and holding them up.

"I can't," I whispered.

"That's what I thought. Well you and your new boy toy can get off this bus," he spat angrily.

"I will, after I get everything I need."

We pushed passed him and made our way to the back of the bus where all my clothes were. Alan grabbed my bag and I got the rest of my things from the bunk.

As we passed Justin, who was still standing in the same place, I stopped. Alan continued on ahead, but I stopped to look at Justin. I knew I was crying, but I didn't care.

"I hope you're happy," I said choking on my words slightly. "Bye, Justin."

I walked off the bus and on the way out I could've heard Justin say he was sorry and then he began to cry. I caught up with Alan and we walked to the Of Mice & Men bus in silence. I had to stay in Austin's bunk but I didn't care, they were usually big enough for two.

I didn't say anything when I got to the bus but followed Alan on. He put my bags in one of the bunks that was filled with other bags and suitcases.

"Which one is Austin's?" I asked standing there with my pillow and blanket in hand.

"That one," he said pointing to the middle bunk on the right side.

"Thank you," I muttered and placed my things there.

"Austin's in the back room if you want to go see him," Alan said. "I'll be in the shower."

"Okay," I spoke softly and began walking towards the back when I walked into a hard figure. "Sorry."

I looked up. The fan had a slight stubble and long-short hair. He was currently brushing his teeth.

"It's fine," he said. It was hard to make out what he was saying, but he walked away and I believe went to spit out the toothpaste into the sink. He came back. "Can I ask who you are? You look strangely familiar, have we met?" He asked.

"I'm Noah, I look familiar because I'm Austin's little sister," I said quietly looking down at my feet.

"So you're the girl I hear so much about. I'm Valentino, but you can call me Tino. I play drums for your brothers band. It was very nice to meet you," he said smiling at me, he had a pretty smile that was quite contagious.

"You, too," I said smiling at him. It was a weak smile, but he was so nice that I had to.

"Well I'm guessing I'll see you around," he said and walked to the front of the bus.

I walked to the back where Austin was sitting on the couch watching Disney Channel. I sat down next to him. He was watching Jessie, what I can't watch Disney?

"How are ya feeling?" He asked. His eyes were full of concern.

"Horrible," I said. He put his arm around me and pulled me closer. "I don't even know why he hates Sam."

Sam, that's it. Sam would have to know why Justin hated him, but I don't know where he was. When I went back to the bus all the guys were gone except for Justin.

Oh, Justin, we broke up, but I missed him so much already. How could I miss a person that tried to make me choose between my best friend and my boyfriend.

"Noah? Earth to Noah," Austin's voice broke through my thoughts.

"Yeah, what?"

"Did you hear what I said?" He asked.

"What? You said something?" I looked down at my feet and pulled my knees to my chest. "I'm sorry. I'm just lost in my thoughts."

"Yes, I did say something. You wanna come watch us play our set. You won't have to see the guys, just I want you to watch us play," he said looking at me.

"Okay," I said wearily. "I'll go."

Austin smiled and turned his attention back to Jessie, he probably thought Debby Ryan was hot.

"Do you know where Alan is?" He asked suddenly.

"Yeah, he said something about a shower, why you wanna go join him?" I teased.

"Boy do I!" He said excitedly. I couldn't help but laugh. I fell on the floor clutching my stomach.


Justin's POV

"I hope you're happy," she said staring at me dead in the eyes. She was crying and all I wanted to do was kiss her tears away, but I didn't. "Bye, Justin."

She walked off the bus leaving me standing there. I began to cry. "I'm sorry," I spoke choking on the tears. I broke down. I never break down, but she just means so much to me and I let her go just like that. I flipped out thinking her and Alan were going out just when me and her broke up, she would never do anything like that.

I looked at my hands and saw my Jaws tattoo. Then it hit me, she was still wearing my shirt. She never changed. She still had it on. I couldn't help but smile lightly. I wonder if she took it off, or if she smelled like me because of it.

I wiped my tears away and left the bus and headed for the stage. I spotted Kellin and walked up to him.

"Hey, was Noah here?" I asked. He didn't have Copeland, so hopefully Noah was still around, I needed to talk to her.

"She just left, said something about wanting to get out of her with Cope before you came. What happened?" He asked.

"We broke up," I said slowly.

"You did what? I thought she was just mad at you for running out," he said.

Sam.. Even his name made me want to kill him. Where was he anyway. Did he go looking for Noah? Was he backstage?

"Don't worry," Kellin broke in, "he went to check out a few of the bands. He spoke to Noah, but she asked him just to give her some space and he willing did."

So they did talk.

"Okay," I said weakly.

"Will you tell me why you hate Sam so much?" He asked sitting down on one of the chairs, I followed him.

I took a deep breath and began, "He used to be my best friend before you guys came along. When I was dating Katrina, he seemed so happy for us, but turns out he was only happy to see her. He liked her. I couldn't believe I didn't see it at first, but then they started talking more often and she began to drift away. I knew something way wrong so when I asked them about it, she instantly broke it off between me and her. A few week later I went over to Sam's house and found them sleeping together. I told them that I didn't want to see either of them again. I was scared that he would try to take Noah away from me when I first saw him. I just freaked. I couldn't stand it, that's why I made her choose between us. I didn't think she'd choose me, but I hoped she would, but she didn't."

Kellin was one of my best friends and he deserved to know why I hated Sam so much.

"You made her choose?" He asked. I was full on crying at this point just at the thought of what I made her do.

"I was scared, Kellin. I didn't know what else to do," I said. "Come on, we got a show to play."

Now you guys know why Justin hates Sam!!





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