Chapter Eleven

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If I'm James Dean, Then You're Audrey Hepburn

Chapter Eleven

Justin's POV

I tried to focus on the show, but my mind kept drifting back to Noah. She looked so upset when I last saw her. I knew she had her reasons to be mad at me, but I absolutely hate it. I needed to get her back, but she kept ignoring me. She didn't want to talk to me, and she did everything in her power to stay away from me.

The show finally ended and I managed to not mess up. I walked off stage and put my bass back in its case. I closed the lid and looked at the small elegant handwriting on the top in silver marker. My hands traced over the words remembering the day it was written there.

"Well since I won't be able to go to every one of your shows, I want there to be something there to remember me by," Noah said holding my hand in hers and smiling widely at me. She was truly a beautiful grilfriend and did everything to make me happy.

"And what would that be?" I asked with a smirk.

"Where's your bass guitar case?" She asked with a smile. I got up and grabbed my case and gave it to her. She pulled out a silver Sharpie and began to write something on

"What does it say?" I asked, trying my best to look over her shoulder. She showed me.

'You're the best bassist I know! Good luck on every single one of your shows, I know you'll do you're absolute best. I love you so much!' 

 Every time I performed I read that and smiled, but this time I couldn't smile. A tear escaped my eye and splashed onto the silver writing. I missed her more than I could describe she was my world and I let her go, just like that. 

"You okay?" Jesse asked coming up and standing next to me. I couldn't speak so I just shook my head. "It'll be okay, man. You'll get her back," he said reassuringly.

"I don't know. She was so mad at me," I spoke softly still not trusting my voice.

"Listen, Justin, I saw the way you two looked at each other. She might be mad at you, but she loves you," he said staring at me straight in the eyes. He was being serious, which was rare for Jesse. "All you have to do is go after her, she'll come back."

I just looked at Jesse. He was right.

"Thanks, Jesse," I said giving him the best smile I could muster up.


Noah's POV

"How ya holding up?" Alan asked sitting next to me.

"I just lost the love of my life," I whispered.  

"It'll be okay," he said pulling me into a side hug. I put my head on his shoulder.

"I hope you're right, Alan," I sighed.

"I know I am. He loves you, too, by the way," he told me.

"How would you know?" I asked curiously. I'm pretty sure Alan had never been in love like me.

"I can tell by his eyes. The way he looks at you. And his smile just seems to brighten whenever he's around you," he said. "I saw it the first time I ever met you, you know the day you ran away from Austin?"

"Yeah, I remember," I said while wiping away a tear that had escaped.

"He loves you, it doesn't take a genius to figure that out," he chuckled slightly. "You know what I think you should do?"

"What?" I asked not quite sure that I should be taking advice from a ginger, Alan being that ginger.

"You should find him and tell him you love him," he said taking me completely by surprise.

"I can't do that," I said, "he made me choose between Sam and him, Sam is my best friend and I can't lose him."

"Where is Sam anyway? Do you even know why Justin hates Sam or are you just too mad to even ask him?" Alan's tone changed from sympathetic to slightly angry.

"Oh, so now I'm the bad guy?" I yelled at him. I didn't even know why I was yelling at Alan in the first place. He was right, I never even asked Justin why he hated Sam like he did.

"I never said you were the bad guy! You just don't even know why he hates Sam! So maybe before you complain about the whole matter you should hike up that skirt of yours and ask him, because hating someone like that doesn't just happen as soon as you meet them for the first time!" Alan made a good point but I didn't want to admit that to him. I was mad at everyone and I was taking it out on Alan.

"Whatever," I said and stormed out of the bus. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed Sam's number.


"Where are you?" I asked frantically.

"By the Black Veil Brides' tent," he said.

"Okay, don't move, I'll be there in a minute," I said and began sprinting my way to the BVB tent.

I slowed once I got near and began to gasp for air.

"Woah, you look like you were being chased by a dog, are you okay?" Sam asked coming up.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I need to ask you something though," I said still trying to breath regularly.

"Sure, ask away."

"Why does Justin hate you so much?"


Sam's POV

"Why does Justin hate you so much?" Woah, not the question I was expecting her to ask.

I couldn't tell her about Katrina, so I did what anyone would do, I lied.

"Well, I used to date this girl Katrina, Justin really liked her. So they started hooking up behind my back," I said slowly, she was actually believing what I was saying. "One day I confronted them and Justin got super mad at me. In the end I ended up taking Katrina back and Justin didn't like that at all, so he refused to ever talk to me again and began to hate me because I never gave Katrina to him," I lied. Just like that I was lying to my best friend. 

I felt bad about lying to her, but she didn't need to go back to that loser of a bass player. I was right in front of her, she could have me. I liked her more than Justin does anyone, he doesn't even know anything about her. I remember when she called me and told me she was dating Justin Hills, I knew then I could get her just as easily as I got Katrina. 

She wasn't as smart as everyone thought she was.

"He did that, oh my," she said in complete shock.

"Yeah," I said pretending to he hurt.

"You poor thing. Are you and Katrina still together?" She asked.

"No, we ended it a while ago. I actually like someone else."

"You do, who?" She asked.

"Y-" I was cut off by her phone ringing. She fished around in her pocket and pulled it out. She pressed the screen then put the phone to her ear.

"Mom, is everything alright?"

"Mom, calm down, just tell me what happened."

"Alright, I'll be there as soon as I can," she said and then hung up.

"I have to go," and with that she was gone heading straight to the SWS tent. She sounded worried.


Noah's POV

"Kellin, I'm sorry, but I have to go home," I said weakly.

"Why?" He asked concerned. "Is it because of Justin?"

"No, it's my dad, he's been shot. I need to be there for him,"

"Oh, you should go. Don't worry I'll figure out what to do with Copeland."

"Thank you."


Sorry for the long wait on the chapter





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