"W-What are you doing Alexander?" I stammered out the question.

His dark eyes rested on my lips and my mind shouted to step ahead and close the distance between us. But I need to remind myself, he was not the one I loved, this Alexander doesn't even remember me.

"I need to see if what I am thinking is true or not." He said his voice hoarse with desire that was dangerous yet amazing.

Before I could protest, even though I didn't want to, his lips touched mine. It was a chaste kiss, just touch of our lips but even that made me shiver. Taking as encouragement I suppose his kiss deepened and he devoured me with so much need and desperation like it was our last kiss. Naturally I remembered him well and I kissed him back with equal passion. With him touching me I forgot all about him being demon and my mother just few steps away.

I allowed myself to drown in this moment of ecstasy. My arms went around his head and grabbing handful of his soft dark hair I pulled him even closer. He groaned in between the kiss as if this pleased him as much as it confused him. His hand found his way from my waist to under my tee. I moaned as current jolted through me when his warm hands touched the small lower back of bare skin. His touch was making me drunk.

It was getting difficult with deepening kiss to open my eyes and my toes were curled in response as he slightly bit the edge of my lips and then gave a rough kiss. Now I understood what it meant by kiss affecting you till the tip of toe. I could feel the weakening sensation in my body.

When we broke the kiss our breathing was ragged, my hand placed now resting on his chest and felt the thundering heart. His heart was beating as fast as mine. I was elated that I still had this effect on him. I opened my eyes to see the reaction on his face.

His eyes were still closed, his jaw tightly clenched like he wanted to control his emotions. His posture said he was fighting himself to make a decision. I dared not moved as he held me close and thought. Finally he inhaled sharply and with a gentle push he separated us.

With the way he said those words earlier and the hunger that I could see in his eyes gave me a rough idea what he wanted to do. I was not sure I was ready to go that far with him not even remember loving me but I didn't want to stop, I wanted Alexander, I needed him.

But now it seems as if his thoughts had scattered and he not planning to go any further than kiss. It was most amazing, soul searing kiss but just a kiss. His fingers pinched in between the brows in an attempt to calm himself down.

Something was bothering him and I needed to muster up courage to ask him.

"What is it?" I whispered gently.

His eyes opened and emotion there was desperation. And it hit me, somewhere his dormant angel side wanted to fight the demon that was lusting over me. Somewhere deep down Alexander was still being a guardian.

"Alexander." I edged towards him and the look in his eyes changed to anger.

"What the hell is wrong with me? You think you can play mind games and make me your toy. You have no idea what I can do." Alexander sneered in pure hatred and I had to flinch.

I had no idea what my fault was.

"The desire I have for you is driving me crazy and yet I can't get myself to even take off a layer of your clothing." He sounded dangerous right then.

Even in all this anger he kept his voice low somehow keeping in mind not to alert my mother.

"Alexander you should know it's more than lust that connects us." I managed to say this not that terrified at his angry self.

"What is it?" He asked with genuine curiosity.

"Love." I finally said out the word that might sound absurd to him but was so true for me.

And then as I felt from the first day I met him, he broke my heart. He laughed, a really maniacally, evil laugh like what I said was impossible and a hilarious joke. It hurt more than it should; I felt my own level of annoyance building in me.

"You are insane! Love! Demons don't love they destroy anything that love creates. And I could never love someone like you. Of course it's possible for you to have a human crush on me but me reciprocating those feeling is unreal." He said the words with utter conviction his each word mocking me.

I felt stupid for holding on to him but I was still not hopeless, I was that crazy in love with him.

"If that's what you feel mister Prince of Hell, go and stay away from me." I made an over confident remark in anger.

I just challenged Prince of Hell to try and stay away from me terrified if he actually won the challenge.

Please note...It will take time for me to update Wings of Darkness because I will always be putting up chapter in pairs, two PoV's together!

Why? Because the two thoughts will be interconnected.

That will be all..now enjoy reading, excuse the mistakes and VOTE! :)


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