15. I Bet You Won't Go Nude

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They have three days left in their, so far, favorite place in the world. It is a place where everyone knows they can be free to be whoever they want to be, whoever they are. And Harry and Louis love that.

"What do you want to do today?" Louis asked as they were laying in bed.

"I don't know. What is there to do in Florida that we haven't already done?" Harry replied.

"Well, let's see," he answered, pulling out his phone.

"We can go to a water park, or an amusement park, or... oh my god," Louis finished, laughing like a maniac.

"What is it? I wanna see!" Harry whined, leaning over and pulling the phone out of Louis' small hand.

"No way."

"You see it?" Louis chuckled.

"Oh my god. A nudist beach," Harry laughed.

"We should go," Louis joked.

"Really? You want to?"

"No, Hazza, I was joking."

"O- oh. Well, I mean, like, can we?" Harry blushed.

"Are you joking? Do you actually want to go?"

"I mean, where else can we go to a beach where everyone is accepting of everyone's bodies? Like isn't that amazing? It's not so much as the idea of being naked, but the idea that you can be naked and no one would judge you for it. I like that."

"Really? Like, really really? Because I'll go. I don't mind showing off my body," Louis smirked.

"Can we? Oh thank you, Lou!" Harry squealed.

"I can't believe you want to go so damn bad," Louis whispered.

"I can't believe you're agreeing to it."

Harry gasped and fell off the bed. Actually.

"What happened?!" Louis screamed.

"I have an idea!" he shouted, jumping up.

"What is it?"

"Since I don't want to go fully naked, I'm going to wear one of the panties you got me!"

"That's a great idea, Hazza! And I think I'm going to wear something special, too. Hey, why don't you wear the blue and green ones? They looked amazing on you."

"Okay! Be right back!" he said, running to get them from the bag and then rushing into the washroom to change.

In the minute Louis knew he had, he rushed to his own bag, the one that Harry didn't know he had, and pulled out his matching panties.

He pulled down his boxers and threw them in the corner, along with the shirt he slipped off. He pulled up the panties until they were snug on his tan hips. Harry opened the washroom door very slowly and stepped out, as if he were walking down the stairs for prom.

"Hazza," Louis breathed, all the air suddenly leaving his body.

"You look stunning," Louis said.

"Louis! You didn't tell me you had a pair of your own! We're matching! Blue and green!" Harry all but squeaked.

"I know! I bought a few pairs..."

"This is great, Boo!"

"I know. Now, put on your blue sweatpants and I'll put on my green, and we're gonna go show off our beautiful bodies. How does that sound?"

"Sounds great," Harry confirmed, already reaching into the bag to get his sweatpants.

They slipped them on, smiling in the mirror at their tattoos.

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