5. I Bet You Won't Forgive Me

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I just read "Pretty Boy" by @oliverkirby and I literally cried for six hours that book messed me up. Ya'll should read it. Anyways, that book made me sad and now I am sad so here's a sad chapter for you all. You're welcome.
Also, 300 reads in a week!! Thank you!


"Haaazzzzaaaaa," Louis called out, sitting on the couch with Beanie. It had only been two days since they got him, and they are both absolutely in love.

"Whaaaat?" Harry responed, walking into the lounge room.

"Will you get me some crisps? Beanie is laying on me, and I don't want to get up."

Harry chuckled. "Of course, your Majesty. Anything else I could retrieve for thee?" Harry said, sarcastically.

"No, now shoo," Louis responded, smirking.

Harry walked into the kitchen and grabbed a random bag of crisps. He walked back into the lounge room and gently tossed the bag at Louis' head. He plopped down next to Louis and started petting Bean.

"Thanks, Haz," Louis said.

Harry hummed in response, his voice blending in with Beanie's purrs. Together, with the sound of Louis' loud crunching and Bean's hums of approval, Harry was in absolute bliss. He loved every second of this.


"I think I'm going to go out to a club tonight," Louis stated an hour later, while they were both laying on the couch, Louis on top of Harry.

"Really? I don't think you should, you remember what happened last time..." Harry trailed off, not wanting to lead back into the night where Louis almost got raped.

"That was one year ago, Haz. I'm older now, more responsible. You can come, if you'd like," Louis said.

"No, I'm not a club person and you know that. Lou, I really don't think you should go out. I'm worried for you," Harry said, suddenly getting serious.

"Why, Harry? Do you think I'm not smart enough? Am I too stupid to go to a club? Huh?" Louis snapped.

"No! Louis, no. I just don't trust..." Harry trailed off.

"Me? You don't trust me? Are you mad? I thought, of all people, my best friend would at least trust me enough to go out and have a few drinks," Louis said, getting off of Harry and standing in front of him, Harry sitting up.

"Of course I trust you, Louis. It's the other people I don't trust," Harry said, getting snappy himself.

"Oh, so I can't defend myself? Jesus, Harry. You're not my mother, or my boyfriend for christ's sake, you can't just tell me what to do! So let me alone, will you?" Louis all but screamed.

"God Louis, I am so sorry for trying to protect you!" Harry spat. "My apologizes that I don't want my best friend to almost get raped again!" He screamed the last bit.

Louis was taken aback. He stiffened.
"I know how to take care of myself without you helping me. I'm a big boy, Harry. I know what I can and cannot handle," Louis said.

"I JUST DON'T WANT YOU GETTING HURT!" Harry suddenly screamed.

"I won't! I can take care of my god damn self! Stop worrying about me! Jesus christ!" Louis said, yelling back.

"You know what? Fine. Go out. Get piss drunk. I don't fucking care anymore. Just don't call me and expect you to pick you up when you're sitting on the curb outside the club, choking on your own tears because some sugar daddy wouldn't have you. Don't expect me to ever be there. Because you're a big boy, right? You can take care of yourself," Harry spat, standing up and storming into his room, taking Bean with him.

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