I shook my head. "How long have I been out?" I asked.

"About an hour, maybe less," he said. "I got detention. The teachers thought I did something to you."

"Sorry about that. I'll go talk to the teachers," I said.

"Nah, it's alright. I don't think they'll listen," he said.

"Let's get back to class," I muttered, standing up. He extended a hand to help me, but I declined.

"We've talked for a while and we haven't introduced ourselves," he chuckled as we walked. "My name's N."

I smiled slightly, but didn't introduce myself to him. He seemed to understand as he kept quiet for the rest of the walk back to class.

When I reached class, a female teacher was conducting the lesson.

"Eryn! I heard you passed out, are you feeling better?" the teacher asked aloud. I widened my eyes in surprise and quickly nodded.

"So your name is Eryn," N said and nodded. I pressed my lips into a line.

"Go back to your seats and flip to page 139 of your History textbook," the teacher said. So this was History class.

N and I went back to our seats and I flipped to page 139 of my textbook.

The rest of the day went by smoothly. The lessons were boring, but it was better than having to deal with people trying to look at me in the eye.

I left the class and Luna followed, as expected.

"Hey, Eryn! What happened? I heard that you collapsed at the lockers, and N was with you with the rest of the boys."

I nodded, but didn't really explain everything to her.

"Are you alright?" she asked. I nodded once again, this time turning to face her direction but looking down, and smiled.

"My brother's waiting for me. See you tomorrow," I said, abruptly ending the conversation.

"Oh, okay, see ya," she said, and I rushed out to the carpark where I knew my brother would be waiting. I spotted his car and I hopped in, slamming the car door shut.

"Hey Eryn~ How was-"

"Drive, drive, drive," I urged. I wanted to get out of this forsaken place. My brother started the engine and started driving back home.

"What?" he asked.


"So how was school?"

"I accidentally passed out."

"What!?" Jace exclaimed, turning to me.

"Watch it, it's red light!" I shouted, and he stepped on the brakes, the car screeching to a halt.

"Jesus, you almost got the two of us killed," I said, running my fingers through my hair.

"Jesus, you had better explain what happened in school. Why did you pass out? How?" Jace bombarded me with questions.

"What do you think?" I sighed.

"Eye contact?"


"I thought you were okay with that already," Jace said, stepping on the gas as the light turned green.

"I didn't know I would actually pass out," I muttered. "I didn't make eye contact with anyone today, but I accidentally did with a guy who kept talking to me-"

"Hold up. A guy kept talking to you?" Jace asked, as if something big had happened.


"Who was he? Did he pester you?" Jace asked.

"Not exactly. He was just being friendly and concerned, I guess. I accidentally bumped into him and fell down, and I stood up and wanted to walk away, but he wasn't assured that I was fine, and yeah," I rambled.

Jace raised an eyebrow at me.

"Are you okay though?" he asked, looking at me. I nodded and pushed his head lightly to look back on the road. He laughed softly, eyes twinkling with amusement.


follow me on my edit account on instagram; @/dearmystars


Ok I sound like a mentally unsound idiot I'm sorry hurrrr

Anyways how's everybody doing? It's the March Hols now and I'm legitmately overpiled with homework. I still have like 4 or 5 projects not done ;; bless my soul.
It's like 12.50am here rn, yep midnight. I have no idea why I'm publishing this at midnight lmao - I had pre-written this so yeah.

Have a great day/night, all my beautiful people, now it's time for me to think if I should sleep listening to music or just stare at the ceiling till I'm sleepy.

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