thirty-seven // redefine happiness

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July 5th, 2016

--Courtney's P.O.V--

"Ginger, I don't think you understand how much I want to this baby out of me," I groaned, unable to find a comfortable spot in my bed.

My little sister laughed, sitting down on the edge of my bed. "I think I do understand, Courtney. You are nine months pregnant and like you said, you are so big as a house."

I groaned at her teasing, blowing strands of blonde hair away from my face. "The false labor pains aren't helping either."

"Tell me about it. Every time you have one Pierre flips out like the house is on fire."

"He's just really overprotective," I said in defense.

"Is that why when he went back to Canada for a few weeks last month to check on his brother's progress, he kept calling every hour to make sure everything was alright?"

"Okay," I chuckled, "I do have to admit that was a bit obsessive."

Ginger stood up, rolling her eyes. "Also, it seems like Winnie and Seb have really hit off. I can practically smell wedding bells in their future already and they have only been dating since March."

"Why do you think Seb was the only person out of Simple Plan besides Pierre that stayed behind in the states? He didn't want to leave Winnie."

"Actually," she began, "I think they are all starting to realize that Canada pretty much sucks compared to America."

"Ahem," someone interrupted, clearing their throat. Ginger and I looked up at the doorway to see none other than Sébastíen Lefebvre.

"Canada is better than America. We get free healthcare and bagged milk." His eyes lit up as he thought of something else to add. "And we have no Donald Trump."

Ginger flipped around to face me once again. "If you move to Canada with Pierre, take me with you, please!"

One minute my sister absolutely hated Canada, but as soon as she found out that Donald Trump didn't exist there, she wanted to move. I honestly didn't even know if I was moving to Montreal with Pierre or not. Columbus was my home and the thought of leaving it once again was horrific.

But I was thinking about it.

Seb chuckled, pointing out the door. "Your mom wants you to come downstairs for a moment, Ginger. Don't ask me why because I don't know." My little sister let out a little huff before stormed out of my room.

"Believe it or not, Seb, this baby has brought Ginger and I closer together as sisters." I rubbed my hand over my large stomach. "However, my mother and brothers are still quite unhappy."

Seb sat down at the edge of my bed and shrugged. "I don't understand why they are still unhappy about it. Of course, at first it was a shock, but there's nothing nobody can do to change it." He chuckled. "I still can't believe your brother broke Pierre's laptop."

"Pierre was unbelievably upset," I remarked.

"He's been slightly upset for awhile now. I think it's because his brother still hasn't really improved much and he's terribly worried about you and the baby."

I raised my eyebrows. "Why is he worried about the baby and I? Everything's going alright." Seb shrugged. "He's worried that he's not going to be a good enough dad."

"That is utterly nonsense! He's going to do just fine."

I was more worried about me being a bad mother considering my mood swings and schizophrenia, but my doctor said that everything would be fine as long as I stayed on my medication. I hoped that she was right.

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