isle of flightless birds // entry

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June 24th, 2013

The project was going great! It was actually going better than I expected although we've only been working on it for a week.

Courtney and I found a little corner that is relatively quiet where we can work without having to be interrupted or yell to hear one another. The poster board was big enough to fit on both of our laps if we sat side by side.

I took the left side of the poster and Courtney took the right side. For the design and everything, we decided to pick one color of construction paper to paste to each of our sides. This way we could learn each other's favorite colors.

Courtney picked a dark purple and I picked a green color. That was a good combination to both of us. While we were working, Courtney and I's knees kept touching. It was an accident every time it happened, but I always felt her cringe up whenever I made physical contact with her.

She did seem to be opening up to me though. 

A few more sentences were coming out of her mouth and the smile always stayed on her face. She always helped with me ideas too, like marker choices and narrowing down my favorite things. Of course, she really didn't talk when she did that, but I could understand her.

I told her about my family. My father, Chris, my mother, Kelly, my brother, Zack, my sister, Madison, and my brother, Jay. She liked the name Madison quite a lot and I told her that I would be sure to tell her and my mother that. That made her really happy.

She had three siblings like me. Two older brothers, Elijah and Nathan, and a younger sister named Ginger. I saw her write it down on her side of the poster board. Plus, her best friends are named Hope, Tanner, and Bekah. She seemed to be very close to this Tanner fellow.

Her dad was also in the military and I told her to thank him for his service. Courtney seemed to get sad after my comment. I felt really bad, so I told her I had to use the bathroom and snuck into the kitchen to grab both of us ice cream cakes. Her mood perked right up when I brought them back.

I just really wanted this girl to like me. I wanted to get to know her and I was making a lot of progress. We were only allowed to work on the poster board in class, so I had a few more weeks to get to know more things about her. By the end of this project, I wanted to be her friend. I wanted to be someone she trusted.

That was my main goal.

Tyler Joseph, entry number something of Isle of the Flightless Birds.
Written on June 24th, 2013 at 7:41 pm in pen. 

A/N: Enjoy the little fetus gif of Tyler attached! But really let's get down to some serious business.  Who are you all voting for in the TOP debate? 

I'm honestly voting for Josh although I prefer Tyler because I really want Tyler's name to be on Josh's body. I'm not saying a dislike Josh at all. but I relate to Tyler more in my life

Also, I probably won't update on Saturday because it's Halloween. I'm not sure yet.


Dementophobia • tyler joseph •Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang