isle of flightless birds // entry

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June 11th, 2013

Something amazing happened today and I really need to write it down, but for me to do so, I need to write it quite differently than my previous journal entries. I'm going to write it in flashback form. I'm sorry if my thoughts turn out to be confusing.

"Okay, Tyler, Mr. Baker is ready for you."

I quickly got my feet, shuffling into Mr. Baker's cheery office and closing the door behind me.

"Hey, Tyler," he greeted me from behind his desk. "How are you doing this week?"

I settled myself down into the spiny chair that was directly across from Mr. Baker. I had my journal sitting on my lap, waiting for my privacy to be taken away like usual.

"I'm doing better. I am adjusting okay, I guess."

Mr. Baker smiled at me. "That's good and don't worry, I won't be reading your journal today. I just want to talk to you."

I was shocked beyond belief. Reading my journal was always the first thing he did when I stepped into this room.

"How did you like the support group?" He asked me. "Is it going well?"

A smile threatened to appear on my lips as I responded. "I liked the support group a lot."

Mr. Baker had a surprised look on his face, "Really? Usually that's everyone's least favorite part of this program. Is there any particular reason on why you like going so much?"

I didn't really know if I wanted to tell him about Courtney or not. Courtney honestly felt like a secret to me and I knew she shouldn't because she didn't even know I existed.

"Um," I stammered, "there's this girl."

Mr. Baker's eyes lit up at this information. "Go on."

"She sits right across from me in the group circle that we have. Her blonde hair is magnificent and so are her blue eyes. I wish I tried to talk to her, but she left fairly quickly."

Mr. Baker opened his mouth to reply, but he was interrupted by a soft knock on the door.

"I'm sorry, Tyler. I need to see who this is."

I nodded and he told whoever was knocking to come in.

I fidgeted in my seat as the door opened and someone stepped into the room. I didn't bother to see who it was because I was afraid they would recognize me from somewhere. Staying under the radar was my main goal in this hospital.

"Mr. Baker," a soft voice spoke, "Ms. Wicker says that I have to have you sign this permission slip for the Olanzapine injections. She wants me to start taking them as soon as possible."

The girl's voice was like honey. She was very soft spoken. I had a feeling that she was very timid as well.

"Yes, yes, Courtney," Mr. Baker replied, shuffling things around on his desk, "of course."


The girl that was standing no more than a mere five feet away from me was Courtney? Suddenly I felt like I couldn't breathe.

Mr. Baker signed her pink form with his loopy script before passing it back to her.

I slowly lifted my head and I had to do everything that I could to keep my mouth from dropping open as I met Courtney's eyes.

"Courtney, have you met Mr. Joseph before?" Mr. Baker asked, gesturing to me.

Courtney's piercing blue eyes met mine and a smile formed on her face. "Um, he's in my support group. Your name's Tyler, right?"

I felt like I was going to throw up.

"Yeah, I'm Tyler," I mumbled.

Courtney told Mr. Baker and I goodbye and quickly hurried out of the room. I wish she would have stayed.

"So Courtney's the girl you've been crushing on, huh?" Mr. Baker remarked. "Very good choice, Tyler."

Today was amazing. My heart is still pumping.

Tyler Joseph, entry four in Isle of the Flightless Birds.

Written on June 11th, 2013 at 2:17 pm in black pen.

Dementophobia • tyler joseph •Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt