First Steps

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July 1st

"You have each gone through roughly four years of undergrad, four years of med school and a great deal of hard work. And now you think.. you're here, right? You're finally surgeons, you're done? Wrong. The hard work is only beginning." She laughed slightly, showing very white straight teeth, "This line of work is ruthless. I'd be surprised with a quarter of you make it. Today is the day your residency at this hospital begins. Today is the day your life begins."

Con watched Chief Park closely,from the way her stony grey eyes flitted to each of their faces, to the clipboard held firmly by her side.

Chief was a strange looking woman,  icy blue eyes and wrinkles on her forehead were framed by neat blonde hair, that seemed to be greying.

She began to call out last names and assigning them to residents, at last she reached Con's name, "Miller, Carter, Owens, Hayes and Ramos to Goodwin." Chief glanced at Con, taking in her unsmiling expression to her cold blue eyes.

" Chief glanced at Con, taking in her unsmiling expression to her cold blue eyes

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(Olivia Wilde)

"Now, i ask you all to go to your locker rooms and get changed. You will then return to the lobby at eight sharp, find your assigned resident and begin your first shift."

Con walked back to the locker rooms with the rest of the interns. She found her locker and grabbed her set of scrubs.

"You got Goodwin, too?" A girl had stopped next to the locker beside Con's, she was slightly shorter than Con, with a sheet of silky black hair, soft brown eyes and dark chocolate-y skin.

"You got Goodwin, too?" A girl had stopped next to the locker beside Con's, she was slightly shorter than Con, with a sheet of silky black hair, soft brown eyes and dark chocolate-y skin

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(Tamala Jones)

"Yeah, Miller. Con Miller." Con glanced at her.

"Hazel Carter-" The other girl nodded, "I hear Dr Goodwin is strict.."

"Goodwin? I got her, too. I heard-" Another girl had stepped towards them, her blue scrubs in her hand, "Sorry, couldn't help overhear. But, i heard she's brilliant, top of her class in med school and she passed highest in her interns exam, when she sat it of course she's finishing her fellowship now, she's nearly an attending but still.."

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