Chapter 31

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I've been obsessed with this song from the musical Hamilton about Alexander Hamilton and the revolutionary war!! The song is called Guns and Ships and I like it a lot, plz listen to it.
Sadie's Pov
I woke up and looked up at Mason's peacefully sleeping face. I slowly got out of the bed trying not to wake him. I walked downstairs and made eggs, bacon and toast. After making two plates I set them on the table and walked back upstairs to wake up Mason. I jumped onto my bed and yelled "MASON GET UP NOW" "WHAT what's wrong who's there" he jumped up bumping into me and we both tumbled to the floor.

I started laughing loudly while Mason looked at me like I was crazy. "I made breakfast so we better eat then get ready we have school today and tomorrow is Friday meaning it's the big game, you excited?" "Extremely" after breakfast and getting ready we made it to school. After the day moved by at an agonizingly slow pace, I drove back to my house to see. Moms car, Jo's car and two other cars I don't recognize already in the drive way. When I walked inside I see mom and her boyfriend (can't think of a name) Tony talking to Jo and Alex. I walked over and joined them. "Hey guys what's going on?" "Oh sweetie Jo and Alex have some news for us but we were waiting for you to get here" I nodded and sat across from Jo next to my mom.

"Ok since Sadie is finally here what me and Alex are going to announce is that..." She trailed off to let Alex finish it "we are getting married" he held her hand with the ring up while they both smiled. It was silent for awhile then suddenly all at once we were cheering for them. I hugged Jo first "congrats sis he's a good guy I'm glad y'all are together" "thanks Sadie" I hugged Alex afterwards then my went to talk with Alex about stuff while me and Jo spent some time alone talking about her wedding. She decided that Emeely will be her maid of honor and Alex will have Ashton be his best man since they are good friends. Jo also told me how a the rest of the band will be his grooms men while their girlfriends will be brides maids. Apparently Luke doesn't have a girlfriend so me and him will walk together while the others have the other bride maids.

After a little more talking and planning her and Alex left. My mom and tony went to her room and I am now at my desk in my room doing my hw while listening to Shawn Mendez. My favorite song by him too 'Never Be Alone'. Once my hw was finished and everything I took a shower and got ready for bed. I finally fell asleep around 12.
~The Next Day~
I woke up and got ready for school, ate breakfast and you know the drill by now. I met Carly by our lockers where we stood and talked for awhile. Then "she" came walking by, "oh my god look how pathetic she is" "I know right such a loser" Bianca and her friends walked past us trying insult us. Me and Carly just smiled at them then walked to our first class. They didn't stop the insults all day and at lunch Mason wouldn't let me get up to kick her ass. He sat me in his lap and I didn't think about it till his arms had wrapped around my waist and I was stuck.

Right now it's the last class of the day and even though she is a year younger she is in this class with us. Again the insults when the teacher wasn't near us. Bianca sits behind me with Abby while I sit next to Carly next to us is Mason and Justin. This is our science class and right now our teacher had to go somewhere and everyone is allowed to basically do whatever since the sub has nothing for us. "Carly can I plz hurt her" "usually I would say yes but I can't cuz we are in class wait till we are in the parking lot" "but I don't want to wait I want to hit her now" Carly chuckled while I smiled. "I know Sadie so do I but if we wait till we are outside we can both punch her at the same time" "yes nice thinking" we both high five each other.

Mason and Justin grab chairs and put them in front of our table and sit across from us. "Hello ladies" "Hello boys" "why boys? We are men" Carly scoffs while I giggle quietly. They both puff their chests out and try to make it seem like they have muscles. "Whatever boys" we both roll our eyes. We all talk about maybe heading to the lake cabin again this weekend after the game. As we are planing I feel paper being thrown at me and Carly. "Carly I know you said we will both punch her after school but can I plz hit her right now the lady isn't looking" she shook her head grabbing my hand so I wouldn't turn around and try anyway.

Mason and Justin just laugh at me. "Stop being violent" Mason sits next to me and kisses my cheek. "No I don't want to" "punching her won't do anything" "it will hurt her and that makes me happy" Mason laughs and gives up on trying to talk me out of it. "Ok so after the bell rings you two will go to your houses and grab everything we need so all we have to do is go to my house and grab my stuff" me and Carly nodded at Justin. 15 minutes later the bell rang and me and Carly both headed to our houses and put the stuff we needed into our cars then headed back to school.

We sat in the bleachers and made sure we got everything. "I grabbed my stuff and Mason's stuff so Mason's truck is full I'm guessing your driving Justin to his house and to the lake" I nodded "that's the plan"
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Sorry this chapter is crappy and short. But I've been sick and didn't really feel like writing a lot. In the last chapter I notice that I said Ashton was Jo's boyfriend because I forgot he was Emeely's so I'm sorry to confuse you but Alex is Johanna's bf/Fiancé and Ashton is Emeely's bf.
In the next chapter:
1)Sadie and Carly run into Bianca
2)The football game
3) them driving and hanging at the cabin from a previous chapter
*Comment what you would like to see more in future chapter plz*
This note is a long one my bad anyway have a GOOD NIGHT LOVEBUGS!! ~S

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