Chapter 17

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Short hair is Carly and long hair is Sadie!!!
Sadie's Pov
The next morning I woke up to Carly shaking me. I slapped her as I yelled "GO AWAY" I'm actually surprised Mason is still asleep. "Shut up I'm trying to sleep" oops nvm he is awake. "Sorry Mase I need your girlfriend but she won't get out of bed" "because I'm warm and lazy" then I was pulled onto the floor and I was cold.

"Owwwww what the fuck Carly" she then grabbed my arms and dragged me down the stairs. Literally I was being dragged on the floor! She stopped when we got to the kitchen. "Ok so I just got a call from Jo she said your mom is on a business trip and that someone trashed your house" "what hold on let me grab my bag and we can go over to my house" I ran upstairs into Mason's room and I grabbed my bag. "Bye babe I'll text you later" "Kay bye Sadie" I then ran back to Carly and we ran to the car. On the way to my house I got a text from a random person.
The text
"Hope you like my surprise! Your house was nice. Watch your back I'll be back! :)"
"Carly look at this" we were in my drive way so she looked over at my phone. "What the hell" we then got out and ran to my front door. I knocked and Jo opened the door for us, what I saw when I walked in was horrible. The furniture was upside down and on its sides books were thrown off the book shelf and arrows lead up the stairs to my room.

Me and Carly went upstairs and all my stuff was broke or thrown to the floor and on my wall was written "watch out bitch" in blue spray paint. "Who did this" Carly shook her head "my guess would be Heather but would she risk going to jail for getting revenge when all you did is date Mason?" "I don't know"

"Carly I wanna stay at your house for a while is that alright if they did this they might try to hurt me next" "yea I was just about to say you can't stay here" we walked down stairs after I grabbed a bag of stuff I would need and clothes. "Johanna Imma stay with Carly for awhile" "alright after me and my bf get this cleaned and tell mom I'm gonna go spend time at his house with his fam"
I hugged her and said goodbye then me and Carly headed back to her house.

I put all my stuff in Carly's room then headed to the kitchen. "So Carls what are we doing tonight" I jumped up and sat on the counter as she looked through the cabinets. "We" "are" going" to" watch" movies" she paused after every word to grab a different food or drink. Then she put it in the spare bedroom on the big table. Their spare bedroom has a huge couch/bed with a big table and 60" flat screen. We all use it as a movie room so that is what we're doing tonight.

I put in the movie The little mermaid because we are doing a Disney princess movie night. Then we will watch beauty and the beast, Cinderella, sleeping beauty, mulan,and Aladdin. We made it all the way to Aladdin our last movie but we were getting tired. When all of a sudden two people jumped onto the couch with us. Me and Carly screamed so loud and we jumped making us fall off the couch. Then the two shadows laughed and turned the lights on.

"MASON" "JUSTIN" me and Carly screamed. "You guys are so mean we just wanted to watch Aladdin and sleep but no you guys wanted to be dickheads and jump at us." Me and Carly sat on the couch and pulled the blanket over both of us and we keep watching Aladdin. Then two strong arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me away to the other side of the couch. Then a blanket was pulled over me and I was laying in between their legs and my back to their chest. I look back and kiss Mason's cheek before I look at Carly to see Justin did the same thing so I just watch the movie.

When the movie ended we bput everything away and we all watched tv. "Sadie lets go to the room" "you'll have to carry me" "alright" I held my arms out like a child with my eyes closed. Mason picked me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, while putting my head on his shoulder. Justin picked up Carly bridal style because she was already asleep, then turned the tv off and we went upstairs to the rooms. Mason put me on the bed then went to get dressed while I got warm under the covers.

As I was falling asleep I felt lips on my head and arms wrapped around me. I then heard Mason whisper "goodnight love" then I fell into a deep sleep.
All I wanna say is 360 reads is crazy and I'm so excited and grateful. So thank you have a great evening/night/morning depending on where you are in the world. BYE!!!!! ~S

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