Chapter 27

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Sadie's Pov
I woke up to arms wrapping around my body and picking me up. "Hhmmm" I open my eyes and automatically find the dark brown eyes I love. "Shhh go back to sleep babe" "where are we going" "I'm just taking you to the room we fell asleep on the couch Justin and Carly woke up and went to their rooms" I just nodded and curled up in his arms. I snuggled closer to his chest trying to stay warm. I was put down on the bed then I felt Mason lay down next to me then kiss me cheek and pull me closer to him. "Goodnight baby" "night mase" then I fell asleep.

A few hours later I woke up and the sun was shining through the window. Mason wasn't in bed but I smelt something burning. I jumped out of bed and ran to the kitchen to see Justin trying to cook and Carly covered in flour. Smoke was coming up off the pan on the stove making me laugh. "What the fuck are y'all doing" Justin jumped and held his hands up and Carly just glared at him and smack him before walking away. "Well I was trying to make pancakes and Carly scared me so I threw flour at her when I did the pancakes started to burn and I couldn't save them" "you absolute and complete dumbass" "I'm sorry for trying to be nice and make everyone breakfast" "Justin just go clean up and get ready I'll make breakfast"

"Fine" he walked away to his room. I walked over to the stove and turned it down a little then I grabbed the ingredients I need to make omelets and bacon. "BREAKFAST IS READY YOU BRATS" Justin and Carly came running and grabbed food out of my hands then sat at the table. Mason walked in kissed my cheek, grabbed his food and sat at the table. "I'm not a brat" "Mason don't make me laugh your the biggest brat I know" "whatever Carly you only say that cause your my sister" "but I'm telling the truth" "not really" I walked over and sat down beginning to eat my food. "Would you both stop acting like children you are 18 and 17"

Justin nodded agreeing with me while Carly scoffed at Mason. "I will when he does" "omg here we go again" "I wasn't even acting childish" "yes you were" "no I wasn't you were acting like a child" me and Justin both got up while they were arguing and grabbed bowls. We filled them with cold water and walked toward the bickering siblings. "I'm way more mature then you are Carly" "no you aren't doofus girls are always more mature then boys" "nah uh" "you idiot" "I'm not an idiot your and idiot" I held up three fingers and brought them down when I put the last one down we poured the water onto Mason and Carly.

"WHAT THE HELL YOU GUYS" they yelled at the same time standing up. I looked at Justin then back at them. "Justin I think we should run this was a bad idea" I whispered "you think" he replied "RUN" I turned and ran past the living room and out the door. Soon I saw Justin run past me and arms went around my waist picking me up so I can't run anymore. "THATS NOT FAIR YALL PLAY FOOTBALL YOU CAN RUN LONGER AND FASTER" Carly kept chasing Justin while Mason started to walk toward the lake with me on his shoulder. "Mason let me go right now" "nope" "MASON stop its 7 in the morning the water is gonna be freezing" "maybe you shouldn't have poured cold water on me" "that was to get y'all to stop arguing" "ever heard of karma's a bitch" "ughhh I hate you" right as I said that I was thrown in the water.

"OMG ITS LIKE 40 DEGREES EEEEHHHHH SO COLD" I swam to the shore and ran out of the water quickly. My teeth were chattering and I was super cold. Mason walked over to me with a towel in his hands. "Wow your so sweet" I said sarcastically "I know right" "ughhh I hate you" "Nope you love me" he wrapped the towel around my shoulders and pulled me to him. We walked back to the cabin and got ready for the day. We all grabbed our stuff and went to our cars heading home. After Mason dropped me off I talked with my mom and Jo for awhile. We watch some tv then when it got later I got ready for bed since I have school tomorrow.
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Question for the next chapter should I add drama?
If so with who?? Make some characters and I'll pick one!
1) name
3) hair and eye color
4) describe him or her
Example: athletic, nerdy, so an so's friend football captain, soccer team member, ect.
I can't see what y'all come up with have a great night and sorry this was a short chapter BYE!!! ~S

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