Chapter 12

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Sadie's Pov
Jo told me and Carly to get some rest since we had been crying and stressing. I fell asleep, leaning against Jo as Carly laid her head in my lap with her jacket wrapped around her. Two hours later I woke up to jo shaking me and Carly. "Hmmm I'm awake" I sat up and Carly looked around seeing the doctor we both stood up and ran to him with Jo and Carly's mom.

"Mason and Justin both just came out of surgery, they are both lucky. Mason had cuts and need stitches and his left arm is broken. Justin had a piece of metal from the car impaled into his leg but they will both be fine. Justin is awake in room 45b and Mason is still asleep in room 46b you are allowed to see them" then he walked away with Mr and Mrs. Russell and Justin's parents to talk more about the boys. Me and Carly ran down the hall toward Mason's room fresh tears running down our faces. She went in first, I stood outside waiting for my turn. Jo took Luke Justin's little brother to see him.

A couple minutes later Carly came out of the room and sat down against the wall as I walked in. More tears ran down my face as I saw him even though his injuries aren't sever he still had wires and stuff hooked up to him just to make sure he was alright. I walked toward him slowly and when he heard my footsteps he quickly looked over in my direction. He smiled and sat up a little wincing slightly still sore. "Hey beautiful" "hey Mase" I sat down on the edge of the bed next to him as he grabbed my hand. I smiled at him as he raised his hand to my face and wiped the tears that had been falling away.

"Don't cry babe I'm going to be alright" I sniffled and wiped at my eyes as my tears wouldn't stop coming. "I know but it won't stop me from worrying about you, what happened" he leaned over and kissed my cheek and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. I laid my head on his shoulder and waited quietly for him to begin. "Me and Justin were leaving the restaurant to head back to my house and when we were driving toward a red light I stopped obviously. When our light turned green I started driving but a drunk driver on Justin's side didn't stop and hit us making us slid sideways and into a second car but on my side. That's all I remembered because I then blacked out. Then I woke up and Carly was hugging me crying"

I hugged Mason tighter trying not to hurt him. "At least nothing seriously bad is wrong with y'all, Justin has cuts and his leg had metal in it but they got out and you have a broken arm and stitches." He nodded "but I'm perfectly fine only thing bad about this is we can't play football for awhile" I laughed "yea cause that is so horrible" I said being sarcastic. He shook his head and smiled then he cupped my face in his hands and kissed me. I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck, playing with the hair on the back of his head and neck.

He ran his tongue across my lower lip, asking for entrance which I offered slightly parting my lips. As our tongues fought for dominance Mason brought his hands from my face to my hips and squeezed them slightly. I pulled back out of breathe a couple minutes later smiling. Mason smiled too as he gave me another small kiss on my lips, my nose then my head and both my cheeks then my lips again.

I then stood up and dropped his hand before turning and walking towards the door. "Where are you going babe you made at me?" I turned back to him. He had the cutest frown/ pouting face "no you still have parents who want to see you I'll be back later if you want" I smiled. He smiled and nodded so I walked out the door and let his parents go in. Me and Carly decided to go visit Justin. Her and Justin told me that they have been secretly dating for a week now so I promised not to tell and I headed back to Mason's room. When I walked in his mom and dad were walking out. "Sadie your sister and mom left but your mom said you could stay and we told Carly she could stay too" her mom knows that Justin is her bf. I nodded and waved at them before walking over to Mason and sitting next to him. He had fallen asleep before I came in so I just ran my hand through his hair then got up to sit in the chair. Then a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me onto the bed next to him, pulling me into his side and resting his face in my neck. "Stay with me" I smiled and nodded "I will, I thought you were asleep" "I was till I heard the door close" "oh got it go back to sleep I promise I'll be right here when you wake up" he nodded tiredly and closed his eyes tightening his grip around my waist. "You go to sleep to I know your tired" I was going to argue when I yawned instead so I just snuggles closer to him and kissed his cheek before slowly falling asleep to the beating of his heart.
See nothing serious. Everyone is ok, I hoped you love this chapter and everything as always. I'm happy to say that 146 reads on this book and I only made it a week ago or two. So I'm super excited abut that and that's it I guess. HAVE A GOODNIGHT, SWEET DREAMS ~S

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