Chapter 1

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"Katy, wake up. We're here," my passenger-friend said.

I half opened my eyes and realized I had reached the station. Even though I had slept all the way but I was still feeling a bit dizzy. The station was crowded, people buzzing up and down the platform as if they had no time. My town had about one-tenth the population here so I wasn't used to this rush. As I got down on the platform, my mom began to mutter on the phone. "Hope Stacy is here. I mean, such a big city. You could easily get lost here and no one would know bout it. Where did you tell her to meet you exactly?"

"Here only, Mom." I frowned. It was the hundredth time she had asked me this.

"Are you sure you told her Platform Thirteen?"

"Yeah Mom."

I waited for an hour but she didn't turn up. I called Mom. "Told you, its no use. Why am I even here? She doesn't care bout us anymore."

"Shut up darling. She loves you. And its Christmas next week. You are going to bring her home." My mom said, convincing herself as if she herself wasn't too sure about that.

My sister, Stacy, is three years older to me.Can I tell you a secret? She tells herself no more than an year older to me. I turned eighteen last month. My vacations were going on so my mother decided to ruin them by sending me to live with her. Wow!

Stacy and I never got along. She used to steal every speck of attention that befell me...from my girlfriends to the guys. She was more friendly with my friends than people actually her age. She used to alienate me from every guy that had the slightest interest in me but the rules didn't apply to her. When I was 13, she even dated the guy who asked me to prom just because she could. I had never been to a real prom thanks to my sissy. I wasn't allowed to wear things just because it was "her style." When she finally left for college, I thought I could get a life of my own. But my mom just happened to be a devoted worshipper of my sister. She thinks I should spend all my time in trying to be like Stacy.

She has lost touch with us guys ever since she came to this city, which is so good, so my mom dumped me here. So typical of her, to leave me waiting alone at the station. She enjoyed humiliating me. Part of me wanted to run to the nearest ticket counter and run back home. But I knew I couldn't. I had no choice.

I carried my bag and went outside.

I decided to call Stacy. "Hey, Stace, where are you?"

"Oh, were you coming today? Babe I'm busy. Why don't you find a way to my hostel. You'll find the keys under the mat. Don't you dare mess my room though. Ciao!"

"But..." Before I could even say a word, the line was disconnected. Yeah you forgot. As if I'm gonna buy that.

It was late evening when I struggled my way and reached the hostel. When I finally entered the room, I was covered in sweat and dirt owing to the muddy roads after the rain. I wasn't even able to find myself a cab in this busy city. So I had decided to walk. It was a real bad decision. A car had even spilled muddy water over my dress as I was walking down the pavement. Luckily the hostel wasn't that far.  I badly needed a bath. I turned on the shower. Hot water started dripping all over my body. Peace, at last. Standing amongst the steam, I imagined how ruined my vacations were going to be. Stacy didn't want me here, and neither did I. Yet it was impossible to deny Mom. Even Dad didn't have that much courage.

I wore the bath robe and got out, barefoot. My hair were still dripping wet. As I went to the bedroom, the lights fluctuated, and finally went out. Mom had told me about the voltage fluctuations in the area. But she assured my that they were fixed pretty soon by the janitor. It was too dark to see, except the faint ray of moonlight streaming through the silk curtains. I could hear the distant buzzing of bees and grasshoppers accompanied by the faint honking of cars in the street. It was dead silent otherwise.  As I made my way to the bed, suddenly a hand drew up to my face, stopping me from screaming. It was too huge, sweaty and rough. It seemed like a hand of an athlete. I was pushed against the wall. There was an inch gap between our faces. The ray of light fell directly on his eyes. Honey with a tint of silver. I could feel his fast, hot breaths upon my wet chest. His hold was firm, yet not too tight to suffocate me. He gently leaned on me, but maintaining enough distance. His eyes had the expression of care and love. I felt assured that they meant no harm.  I must be crazy but I somehow felt safe in his hold.

"Hope you don't mind me breaking into your house so late. I just couldn't sleep without seeing your face, love,"  a husky, musical voice whispered into my ear. He came close to kiss me.

As his lips were about to meet mine, the lights came back.

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