A Ghost Along the Mississippi

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Last night...

I didn't care if I would be judged by anyone, not even my family, but...

It was the best I had felt in forever.

Until I got a call from Caroline.

Caroline said that Julian had had the Heretics link Lily to him so that Stefan and Damon wouldn't try to kill him, because they would also be killing Lily.

Julian had tried to make Lily choose between him and the Heretics and Stefan, Damon and me.

Stefan and Damon had told Lily about what happened between Julian and me, which turned Lily against Julian.

Lily had staked herself in the heart trying to kill Julian, but he had had already removed the linking spell between them.

So Lily killed herself for nothing.

The Phoenix Stone that Enzo had told me that Lily had been looking for was where Julian had been. It was a prison for vampire souls that went with a sword that trapped the vampire souls in there until the souls were removed.

Julian's soul had been in that stone before Lily had had the Heretics take him out.

And now Stefan and Damon's souls were in that stone.

Julian had stabbed Damon with the sword and the stone.

Nora the Heretic had stabbed Stefan withe the sword and the stone.


I was angrily, hurriedly packing my things.

Klaus was trying to talk me down. "Kaylin, slow down."

"My mother, by brothers..." I trailed off. "I don't care what Lily did to me. Stefan and Damon told her truth about what Julian did to me, and she tried to kill him for it. And she died for nothing. And now Stefan and Damon are in some hell stone because of Julian, and I am going to be there when they get them out." I turned to face him. "And I'm not going to let Julian get away with this."

"Think for a moment," Klaus told me. "You're not thinking clearly."

"Maybe not," I told him. "But after everything that Julian's done, he's going to die for his sins. For real this time." I started to walk for the door. Klaus stepped in my way. I took a step back, sighing. "Klaus, let me go."

"Your anger will blindside you," Klaus told me. "You will get yourself killed."

"Would it make you feel better if I waited for my brothers to be pulled out of the Phoenix Stone before I go after him?" I asked. "At least then I'll have the backup that you think I'll need."

"Kaylin--" Klaus started.

"Klaus, I went up against vampires from the Strix three times my age, and I've killed a few along the way," I told him. "I think I can handle one vampire."

"The members of the Strix who you killed in a flash," Klaus told me. "I doubt you'll grant Julian the luxury of a quick death."

"He does not get away with this," I told him. "He is going to die, and I'm going to be the one to kill him. And I need to be there for my brothers when they get out. We have no idea what this hell stone will do to them." Klaus started to speak. I cut him off. "Klaus, what would you do if someone tried to kill Hope and put your brothers in that stone?"

"Many have tried to kill Elijah, and many have tried to take my daughter away from me," Klaus told me. "I swiftly ended the threat by taking their life or making it a living hell."

"Then you understand what I need to do," I told him.

"I understand that Julian has made you lose every person of your family," Klaus told me.

"Three of them while I wasn't even in town because I got exiled because Lily was self-conscious with him around me," I told him.

"And this anger will lead to the death of you if you let it get the best of you," Klaus told me.

"I won't let it get the best of me," I told him.

"Let me come with you," Klaus told me.

"No," I told him. "You have your battles here. I have my fight back there. Stay here with your family and make sure that this stupid prophecy doesn't come true. Your family needs you. Mine needs me. I can do this, Klaus."

Klaus stepped closer, meeting my gaze. "Fine. But if you're wrong, and something happens to you, you will be the least of Julian's concern."

I managed a small smile, embracing him suddenly, surprising him before he returned it. "To prove that I'm right, I'll come back to you." I pulled away. "It might be weeks. It might be months. Just until I kill that bastard and I make sure that my brothers are safe, alive, and okay. I don't know when I can come back, but I will come back to you."

Klaus still didn't like the idea of me going, but understood, and was reassured with this promise.

I leaned closer to kiss him goodbye, a hand on his cheek. We continued to kiss for a long moment. I pulled away, looking at him sadly, picking up my bag, walking out, leaving.

I was going to kill Julian.

I was going to make sure that my brothers were okay.

And then I was going to come back.

I didn't care what or how long it took.

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