"I can't wait Y/N! What If Luke or Calum will read the book? What would be your reaction?" Your friend asked and you just looked at her.

"Well, I bet I have to put on my warpaint." You winked at her and then you started to drive the small car away from your house.

"Okay. This will be the flow for your first book signing. Its just like you will gave some notes to them just to be inspired or to have something that they can remember of you." Your manager said and then you just always nods. It seems like she's used to be a manager anyways.

"May I ask when is the book signing?" You stuttered and then you heard the laugh from the other line.

"Maybe in the other week since your book is in demand today." She said and then you started to smile like an idiot.

"Thank you so much. Bye!" You said as you hung up the telephone.


"Hey Y/N! HURRY up or we'll be so late! The fam are getting excited to meet you!" You heard your best friend yell to you and you just rolled your eyes. It just seems like she's more excited than you.

"Okay! Okay! Don't be so rushed!" You chuckle and then you started to eat the slice of your bread and then you started to move next to your best friend.

"Get ready for your big day Y/N hahaha." She teased and then you just smacked her in her head. "I know. And you will be my assistant hahahaha. Be ready too!" You said and then you started to tease her back. She smile at you and then you both listened to the radio which is now playing the HEY EVERYBODY! track.

Both of you enjoyed the ride and then you reached the venue which is held at the square. You were amaze on how many people know your story. Its so amazing that they wanted to meet you too.

The venue is great, it have the 5SOS theme in it and you really appreciated it. When you moved out on the car, many people yelled and they're now squealing that it almost make you cry.

"Hi! How was all of you? Its nice to meet you all!' You said and then you did the book signing.

Many people said that they already like the way how you write and how you turned out to be nicer in person.

But you just wondered, how come that all of the book have the "You have to light em up! SILLY :*" in the front of it's first page.

"How can I know that one of them is Calum'scaviardream? Oh MY gosh ●︿●"

The whole book signing segment is about to end. You're pretty exhausted and you're really now running out of idea how to motivate them too. And besides, you don't see Calum in person! What you would do if someone asked you?

Its just almost 5 persons who were standing in your front. They're not talking at all and all of them are with the same disguises. They're wearing Beanies and then they also have the same shirt color and it have the silly in front of it.

"Hi. How was your day? I hope you don't got bored when you're waiting for your line. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience." You explained and then the person just smiled. She just gave you the book and then you just signed in it.

The person acts so strange and you just shrug it off. When you start signing the book, a 5SOS logo slip out of the book.

"Hey, you forgot this one," you said and she just smiled. "Thank you. Its now yours keep it as the token of my appreciation." She said and then she dispersed in the crowd.

When that girl disappeared out of nowhere, the other person in your front was a tall guy, he have a beard and he looks so handsome in it.

"Hey, I'm so sorry but can I just sign your book? I'm so sorry I've been pretty tired with this hand signing. Thank you for coming. I hope that you like my book!" You said and then you started to blink your eyes because you're now feeling like you're now imagining things that can't be okay. When you started to sign, you saw the book sign. It seems like all the word that you need to look at is like printed and you just noticed it right now.

"Can I ask something? " you asked and then the man got away.

He left a small piece of paper that came from his book. You untangled the small rope that used to tie it together. When you opened the paper, you saw a word that 5 SECONDS written in it.

You smiled and then you just decided to take it and put it inside your pocket. When you look at the next person that you will sign the book, it's another boy. He looks pale too. You can see a little amount of his red hair, and he looks familiar with his features.

"Hi. Its nice to meet you." You greet and like the other two persons who wished to sign their books, they don't even talk to you either.

"Uhm.. what's wrong? Why you don't like to talk to me? I swear I don't eat persons!" You hissed and then he just smiled and shrugged.

He again, left you a paper, a word that have Of in it.

Another guy who have a curly hair came near you and then he just gave you a paper and he don't have any books in his hands.

"This is Kidnap for ransom. Don't shout or else I'll kill you." He said and then he dragged you out of the chair and then you're now panicking. You don't know what to do seriously. That guy covered your eyes and then he loosen it up.

When the guy got away, you looked at the place. It have a stage in it, a drum set and a mic stand. when you lingered your eyes in the place, it's the fountain at the back of the stage. And the sun set is really lovely.

"What is your problem?" A guy asked and you're aback when he was standing in the mic stand and he is Calum Hood!

"Me? I have a problem?" You wondered and then you're shocked again when he started to look at you, holding his book.

"Yes you! The one that I've chat a week ago!" He said and then you just raised your eyebrow.

"You don't chat me! I have someone who chat me a week ago! Its ----"

"Don't tell me you're Calum's caviar dream? " you shouted and then you started to jump in disbelief.

"Calum!! I really really like youuuu!" You shouted and then he smiled.

"Will you two please stop talking? Many people don't understand what both of you were talking about!" Luke said and then you shut your mouth and then you said peace to him.

"Anyway, I want you to know that your book really rocks! We all read it and Calum's really hooked with it. He also said that if he meet you, he will date you whether you're pretty or not." Luke said and then Calum punched him.

"But it's no joke Ms Y/W/N. And this song goes for you." He said and then they played the Long way home song.

When the free gig went well, you and your best friend have a dinner with none other than 5SOS lads. You just teased all the time and then Luke always reveals Calum, for what he always do when both of you are chatting in Wattpad.

"So, I hope that you will make a Michael Clifford one because I'm pretty sure that I will read it! And besides, I really wanted to date Michael If I we're a girl. "

"But my heart only belongs to you. " you pouted and then he smiled and messed your hair.

"Don't worry, you also captured mine. You will go far. And I hope I can help you." He said and then he kissed your cheeks.

You're taken aback and then you caressed the part that he kissed. You really have the motivation to make another novel about him.

CALUM HOOD IMAGINES || (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें