Chapter 20- Hangovers and Drama

Start from the beginning

“Oh really. Is that why Leigha stayed home too today? Janey told me.”

“She’s not here.”

“Leigha! Come on out sweetie.”

“Leigha’s not here!” 

“Oh damn. I’m invisible to you now?” Leigha says coming gracefully down the stairs. 

“Aha! Jan owes me! I knew you would only take less than a week to get back together!”

I make my mom leave and we spend the whole day cuddling and watching movies. 

Leigha’s POV:

The weeks pass and it’s the end of January. Luke and I are dating, but very secret this time. We hardly talk at school. I focus on school because exams are close. I go back to being a t.a for Luke’s 6th hour. It’s the last day of the semester. I leave Luke’s room after 6th hour exams and realize I forgot my phone on his desk. I stop outside his door, a gut feeling tells me to. I ignore it and open the door slowly to see Aria pulling Luke’s face to her own. My mouth flies open and I cough. Luke pushes her away. “Excuse me, I forgot my phone. Um back to whatever you were doing.” I close the door and the tears fall. Tasha and Sara are already in the car by the time I get there. 


“Yeah Tashy?”

“You have makeup streaks. What’s wrong?”

“I saw Luke kissing another student.” 

“I’m going to freaking kill him!” Sara says pulling out her phone. 

“Sara stop. She’s prettier than me anyway.”

“Leigha, your kidding right? You are so pretty,” Sara says tucking her phone in her bag again.

“Sara, you’re kidding right? I think you have to say that as my basically little sister.”

“Ah whatever Lee. He’s dumb. You know this. It will all be ok soon,” Tasha says smiling. 

Luke’s POV: (Starting back before Leigha opened the door)

“Hey Mr. Smith, did you grade the exams yet?” Aria asks. 

“No I didn’t yet.”

“Oh ok,” she says turning away. I stand up to clean my board and she is next to me. “I’ve wanted to say this for a while. You are really hot,” she says pulling me to her. I hear the door open and push her away. 

 “Excuse me, I forgot my phone. Um back to whatever you were doing,” Leigha says grabbing her phone off my desk. I see the sadness in her eyes. She pulls the door shut and Aria steps close to me.

“Um. Hello! I’m your teacher. You can’t do that. If that was Mr.Richards I would be fired. I love this job! I have a girlfriend.. I love my girlfriend. With all my heart. She’s the girl I want to marry and have a future with. What the hell? Get out of my room. Mrs. Says will be getting your transfer form for next semester.. “

“You know you liked it Mr. Smith,” she says inching towards the door. 

“No. That was terrible Aria!”

I close the door and lock it. I sit down with my head in my hands. That bitch screwed everything up, the day before Leigha’s birthday. I have to finish quickly here and get home to makeup with Leigha. 

Hey bitchachos! You should Vomment and Fan! So it took me forever to write that. What’s next? :P Well... Next chapter ahah it has apologies (Maybe) and um a chicken. Anyway. Random dialogue below. 

Bently: Luke what the fuck. 

Luke: It was all Aria. It was gross like kissing a dog. 

Me: Mwahaha. 

Bently: That random girl is back again. She didn’t kill me yet! Yippee *skips down the street*

Me: I can’t kill you. You have an important part soon. 

Luke: What about me?

Me: I don’t even know Luke. How could you do that to Leigha?

Luke: Well...It.. I mean it was you! You stupid bitch. 

Bently: Watch your mouth! She could kill you!

Me: Maybe I will. Maybe I won’t. Most likely won’t. I love you too much to kill you.

Bently: That’s just weird. 

Me: I ship him and Leigha. Just like your mom does. 

Luke: Id rather no one put me on a ship with Leigha. She might throw me overboard. To sharks and piranhas. 

Bently: Maybe I’ll get Leigha a ship for her birthday.

Me: Nooo!!! I have a good idea. It’s not a ship. It’s a.... *You’ll have to read the next part*

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