I Love You, Okay

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~Niall's pov~

"Surprise!'' A voice that sounds a lot like Harry's says, but that cant be possible, Harry is in Cheshire. The hands around me are moved and then I see him. Harry. Louis runs up to him and starts crying. Harry pulls him into a hug and starts kissing every part of Lou that he can. They then both go in for a kiss and a even tighter hug. Harry being taller moves Louis until he has his legs around Harry.

"How?" I as smiling

"I begged Harry's mom to let him come back for graduation, he is going to be here until next Friday." Zayn says simply 

"You did this? You got Harry back? Is this your attempt at apologizing? You beat me up, you burnt me with you lighter, and then left Louis and I when we needed you the most. How could you ever think anything would make up for what you did." I yell at him

"Your right, and I am sorry. I know that you will never forgive me but I cant leave what we had on a sour note." He says in a apologetic sounding voice.

"What do you mean leaving?" I say making my voce crack

"My sisters and I are going to Barcelona for the summer Ni" Zayn says

"B-but you c-cant leave! Don't b-break your p-promise again." I stutter out

"Niall I'm sorry. I had all the attentions of not going and you living with me when we were dating, but I told my sisters that I would go. I can get out of it now." He says

"No, please don't go, please don't leave me." I say starting to cry

"Niall we aren't together anymore, you told me not to talk you. Hell less then twenty minutes ago you couldn't even stand being near me and now you want to be with me again. Make up your mind Niall, I cant wait on you forever, even if do love you. Just make up your mind." Zayn says the last part forcefully

"I love you okay, I love you. Just don't leave me again."  I whisper

"I love you too, but you know that I cant not go. I' sorry Ni I wish I didn't have to." Zayn says sincerely

"I just don't want you to go. What if you forget about me?" I ask between sobs

"Niall please, your making it worse then it already is. And don't you ever think that I could forget you. I love you to much too, and no one could ever compare to you."

"Promise?" I whimper

""Promise" He says pulling me into a kiss.

~Harry's pov~

I hold on to Louis tightly. I just don't want to let him go, I love him to much not to just want to hold him. God I've  missed this so much, being with him, not having a care in the world. I've missed him.

"I love you so much" I whisper in his ear

"I love you too Hazza." Louis says crying into my shoulder.

We sit there for a while and let Niall and Zayn have their screaming match that has somehow turned into them kissing. I swear those to can go from hating each other to madly in love within seconds. "LouLou, you know that I have to go back to Cheshire next week  right?" I ask not wanting to ruin the moment

"No Harold You are not aloud to leave me, not again! I love you to much to ever have you be gone as long you were. Promise you wont leave again." Louis whines cutely

"Louis, you know that I cant make you that promise. I want to so badly, but my mum would never agree to letting me see you again." I say sadly

"But you cant leave!" Louis says crying harder then ever.

"Lou, my mum isn't here with me this week, I can stay with you and we can make up for the last to months!" I say kissing his temple, trying to change the topic.

"We can?" He says sounding like a little kid

"Of course we can." I reply giving him one finally kiss on the nose before setting him down. I see that Niall is on top of Zayn and they are doing something very inappropriate to do in front of your best friend, brother and student in Zayn's case.

"Um can you two stop attacking each other so we can go home?" Louis says

"Lou I don't think that we should go to your house right now. Maybe you and Harry can go there and Ni and I to mine?" Zayn says pointing to everyone's problem down there.

"Your right I don't want to hear my teacher and best friend go at each other in the other room." I say laughing

"Hey, I don't want to her my brother and best friend fucking each other." Niall says, getting a slap from Louis.

"Hell I don't want to hear my student and boyfriends brother bang each other to death." Zayn says shaking his head.

"Well, I don't want to hear my baby brother and his teacher going for it either!" Louis says sticking is tongue out. Lou jumps on my back and Niall gets on Zayn's almost making us fall down.

"How am I supposed to carry you?" Zayn and I say at the time.

"Its a matter that you love us not how strong you are." Niall says laughing making Zayn groan.

"What are you groaning for Zayn? You have small little Niall where I have this curvy little thing on top of me! I should be the one groaning!" I say

"Are you calling me fat?" Louis asks fake crying

"No love just that you have a cute little tummy and an even cuter big bum." I say making Niall and Zayn laugh.

"Watch it Styles, one more comment like that are you aren't going to get me in bed when we get home." He says being the little diva he is.

"Bye you two!" Niall shouts as he and Zayn get in Zayn's car while Lou and I get in his.

"We still are having sex right?" I ask once we get to the house.

"Yes Hazza, just get up to the room!" Lou says jumping on my waist to carry him up. Today is going to a fun day.

A/N Hi everyone! Yay Ziall and Larry sex! Also Zaill is back together and Harry's home! But will paradise last forever? remember, comment and vote! Also expect two more chapters later on today!

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