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~Niall's pov~

Today's the day, it's graduation. Louis made me dress up in a suit and tie, apparently it's tradition to wear suits up your cap and gowns. Why we are wearing caps and gowns when we are graduating sophomore year, I don't understand, but I guess it's a school thing. Lou dresses up too. He is in a plan dress shirt and shoes.

"Now why cant I dress like you?" I ask

"Because it is a tradition at your school, and lord knows your lucky even to be graduating." Louis says smirking

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now come on, we need to get going!" I say excited to be done.

"Okay, just don't rush me." Louis says snappily

*At school*

Louis and  I walk into school to see parents all sitting in rows waiting for their child's name to be called. All bragging about what schools their children got into and what they will be doing over the summer. I have to pull him to where the Payne's and the Irwin's are sitting just so he wont be by himself. Once I make sure that Louis cant leave where he is sitting I go to my classes sitting area and find Liam, Caroline and Ashton sitting together with no Andy.

"Where is Andy?" I ask to no one in particular

"He didn't want to come today and his  parents are out of town, so he just isn't coming" Liam answers

"Oh'' I say slowly

Zayn walks up to where we are sitting and sits next to me. He scoots close to me so that we are almost touching.

"What are you doing here Mr. Malik?" I ask through gritted teeth.

I am your supervisor for the rest of the day Mr. Horan." He says patting my leg.

"Don't touch me please." I whimper out

"Now, now the ceremony is about to start." He says for everyone to hear.

And with that it starts. First all the Freshman teachers go up and talk about how wonderful the year was and how they will miss them. All a bunch of bull if you ask me, but the crowed is crying tears of joy and smiling happily, the Freshman go up get their award and walk off stage, one by one smiling and waving, some of them crying like their parents. Next is the Juniors or some reason, instead of us. Theirs is the same a the freshman, crying, laughing, smiling and their finally walk. Next up the Sophomores. Zayn and a couple other teachers walk up the stage smiling. Everyone goes, telling joke about things that happened in class and how lucky the Senior teachers are to gets next year. Zayn walks up lastly and starts his speech:

"I would like to thank the students for being the best group I have ever taught. They stuck with me even through the boring parts, got their work done even if I was go and had a sub and always laughed at my awful jokes. I hope that these students don't forget the great times we had, cause I promise I wont forget. So thank you, to the school's program, to the parents that raised these wonderful children and most importantly to the students." Zayn finishes with a smile.

Everyone but Louis and I clap. We know what he meant by never forgetting, though know else did. Liam slaps my back, while Caroline and Ashton hug me. Our names get called then.

A bunch of names of kids I've never talked to get called then it' Eleanor's turn who kisses Danielle and surprisingly hugs Caroline then walks on stage. Next is Josh, who Liam looks like he is about to stab as walks up. Twenty more kids then it is my turn. "Mr. Niall Tomlinson Horan" Zayn announces. Few clap and some people start whispering to each other about me. Aston after me, who blushes the whole time and almost falls twice, makes people find him adorable and everyone falls in love with him. Liam gets announced and everyone cheers for him, people love him and the fact that he I on the track, football (soccer) and basketball teams. Danielle next who gets wolf whistles from most students and some creepy teachers and parents. Finally the last name to be called is Caroline and everyone goes crazy for her. Every single student in every grade stands up and claps for her. She starts crying and Zayn and Ms. Edwards have to help her off the stage. Everyone is done, with the Senior's being the only ones left, I can taste he freedom.

"Mr. Horan will please go get your brother and meet me in my classroom." Zayn says more then asks of me.

"Yes sir" I say quietly then walk off to find Louis.

When I do, Ashton's older brother are practically on top of Lou and look in a very heated conversation. "Um Lou, one of my teachers needs to talk to you." I say loudly to get their attention.

"Of course Ni, lets go!" Louis says almost throwing the poor boy on top f him to the ground. Once we get to the hall way I cant help but start laughing

"What were you doing with Ashton's brother?" I ask playfully punching Lou's arm

"You mean that disgusting thing that was on top of me? I in now way was doing anything with him." He spits

"Well that's good, because he is not that good looking," I say laughing at my brothers face

"I know! I mean Ashton is so cute, I mean not as pretty as Har- as you know who." He says catching himself on saying Harrys name.

When we get to Zayn's room a hand covers my and eyes and another around my waist. By the sound of it the same thing happens to Louis. We hear someone giggle and the other try to quiet them done.


A/N HI guys! I'm back! so what do you think of the cliffhanger? Do you hate me? Cause I kinda hate me for doing that to you. Anyways there will only be seven or eight chapters left to this story, but I have decited that I am going to make a story about what happens that I am going to make a prolog about Harry's life before he meet Niall and Louis and also that I am making this a 4 art series, so expect the next story soon. That book wiil be about their summer, then Junoir year and so on. I hope you liked the chapter, and if I get 5 voytes and three comments on it, then I wil update at least twice tomorrow. So VOTE and COMMENT!

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