Getting Caroline

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~Niall's pov~ *Next Day*

This is it, Liam is going to ask Caroline out! All day he has been calling the plan off, then back off, but it is back on again.

"Liam are you ready?" I ask

"Yeah, but what is she says no?" He says sadly

"Liam why would anyone say no to you? I mean your pretty perfect Li." Andy says

"Okay I'm going for it!" He says jumping up and walking to the table of all cheerleaders sit. Oh god, he didn't say she was a cheerleader! Ten minutes later his comes back with a very pretty girl at his side.

"Guys this is Caroline!" Liam says happily

"Hi love!" Harry says

"Hello, like Liam said, I'm Caroline." She says sweetly

Caroline is really pretty, I can see why Liam would Like her. With her long black hair, hazel eyes, pretty pink lips and eyelashes. Caroline is short but not to short and curvy, I would have a crush on her if I wasn't gay.

"So Caroline, that isn't a Bradford accent, where are you from?" Harry asks

"Well, my dad is from Liverpool and my mum is from Barbados, so it's a mix of the two." She says smiling.

"So your a cheerleader?" I ask after am few minutes of silence.

"Um yeah, but I mainly do gymnastics, ballet and track." Caroline says

"How about truth or dare!" Harry shouts more then asks.

"Yes!" We all shout back together

"I'm first!" I say "Caroline, truth or dare?"

"Um truth" She says smiling

"Why did you say yes to Liam?"

"Well I did because of the way his eyes shine when in class we talk about something important to him, the way that in track he always helps everyone out and is like the team dad with how he acts. Also because of his amazing smile and his beautiful laugh." Caroline says looking at Liam as if in love the whole time.

"Ok, Harry truth or dare?" She asks


"Go up to Eleanor and kiss her, and a real kiss, not a peck." She says with a smirk

Harry actually does, he walks up to that hoe and full on kisses her for a few minutes. When Harry is done he walks back with a disgusted look on his face.

"How was it?" Ashton asks

"Awful! I'm gay remember!" Harry says looking sick. We all crack up at the faces he makes.

"Okay Andy, truth or dare?"

"Um dare?" He says timidly

"Harry whispers something in his ear then pulls away laughing

Andy slowly gets up and goes to the lunch lady and gets down on his knees as if he was blowing her. The whole lunch area sees him and starts hooting and hollering.

"I hate you so much Harry." Andy says when he gets back

"Love you too!" Harry's says sarcastically

"Ok, Ash truth or dare?"

"Um truth."

"Why did you pick dare instead of dare?"

"Because after what you and Hazza did I was to scared!" He shouts comically

"Caroline truth or dare?" Ashton asks

"Dare!" She says happily

He like Harry whispers her dare to her.

"Hey Niall, could I have some of your food?" She asks faking looking hungry

"No, no, no. Sorry Caroline, I don't not share food, not with anyone. Never have never will!'' I say swatting her hand away from my food.

"Niall, truth or dare?'' She asks

"Truth" I say not daring to pick dare

"Um, out of all the students here, who do think has had sex with at least one teacher?"


"Yep, with that sub Ms. Nelson, the cheer leading coach Ms. Edwards and the P.E. teacher Mr. Woods." Caroline says knowingly

"And I kissed that slut! Yew!" Harry's screams for everyone to hear.

"Come on Harry, we need to get to class to finish that thing." I say pulling him out the door.

"Oh my god! I thought Caroline was talking about me! What if she knows? What if she saw something? Harry Zayn could get fired! Or worse go to jail!" I whisper yell as we walk to Zayn's class.

"Don't worry Niall, you heard her, she was talking about Eleanor, and if she does know anything she seems to nice to not confront you first anyways." Harry says

"Your right, I'm probably worrying about nothing."

A/N Hi! So the chapter is finally up! Yay! Do you guys think that Caroline knows about Zaynie and Nialler? Or was it just a lucky guess? Comment what you think! also there will be only about 11 or 12 more chapters to this story, then I will be writing a prequel or a sequel, I haven't made up my mind yet? Comment which on I should write, or if you want me to write both. Also thank you to caroline4forever for letting me use her for the character Caroline! One last thing, if you haven't already, go check out my other new story about the Style quadruplets (4 Harry's).

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