Double Date

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~Niall's pov~

I wake up to find Harry and Louis or Larry as Louis likes them to be called spooning each other. It's cute really, Lou being the big spoon even though Harry is at least 1/2 a foot taller then him. Wait, where's my big spoon?

"Zayn, Zayn, Zayn! Where are you?" I call out trying not to wake Louis and Harry. Then someone grabs my arm and pulls me into the kitchen.

I start crying, I don't want to be on here, not after what happened. "Please let me go" I whisper out

"Shh Ni, it's okay. I didn't mean up scare you, your alright, I promise!'' Zayn says soothingly in my ear.

"I'm sorry, I just don't want to be in here." I say trying to stop crying

"It's fine Nialler, I love you. You will never have to go through that again." He says trying to make it better.

We walk out to see that Harry and Lou have finally gotten up. Harry is holding Louis in his lap and it actually is pretty cute. Louis looks happier then I have ever seen him, and that makes me really happy to know that we both have found someone we love. All the sudden Harry looks up with the biggest smile I have ever seen.

"Guys I have a great idea, what if we go on a double date tonight?" He says as if he was the first person to come up with the idea.

"Yeah! That would be so much fun!" Louis chimes in

"But where would we go, I mean we cant go on a date in Bradford." I say hoping they drop the idea.

"Well, we could go to Farsley, like we did on our first date." Zayn says not skipping a beat after I ask

"Oh I love it there! We could go to one of the small cafés they have there." Harry says cutely

"Then it is a date!" Louis says kiss Harry

"Harry do you want me to drop you off at you house to change?" Zayn asks kindly.

"Sure thank you!"

~Zayn's pov~

I already know were Harry lives thanks to his sleepover so I don't ask his address. I want to thank him for all he has done, I mean he spent three weeks looking for me and I don't know what I would have done to myself if he didn't stop me. Harry got Niall and I to mend our relationship and doesn't even mind that Niall hates him. I owe my life to him. When we get to Harry's house I tell him that I will pick him up in a hour so he can get ready. Once I get to my house, I go up to my room to change quickly. I choose a USA snapback, black skinnies and a OBEY sweatshirt. I run to the bathroom to style my hair in a perfect quiff then go to get Harry.

After I get to his house I go up to his door and nock. A pretty girl that looks a lot like Harry opens the door with a questioning look.

"Hi, I'm Gemma, and you are?" She asks sweetly.

"I'm Zayn, I am supposed to pick up Harry" I say and her face drops. I hear Harry yelling a goodbye to his mum and then he is at the door kissing his sister bye.

"Hi Zayn! I'm ready" He says in a chipper tone.

I take a look at him to see that Harry looks very handsome. He is in a 'internet' sweatshirt and grey skinnies and purple converse with his hair in perfect curls like always. Louis is a very lucky guy. Harry looks nervous, so I give him a reassuring smile. Next thing I know we are Louis' and Ni's house waiting on the two to finish getting ready.

When they finally are the walk hand in hand down the stairs. Louis in a white button up, navy skinnies, red suspenders that hang on his hips and white TOMS. I look over to Harry and see he is almost drooling over his boyfriend. Then my eyes land on my boyfriend. Niall is in his "RICH' snapback black skinnies, a navy 'DMND' sweatshirt and gold Supras. I don't know how I got so lucky to be able to have a boyfriend like him.

~Niall's pov~

When we do get to Farsley, it's starts snowing, actually more of like a blizzard type snow but it is really beautiful with all the lights. We find the first café we see and go inside, it's small and cozy and know one we know would ever see us here, this place is perfect. I sit next to Louis with Zayn facing me, same with Harry and Lou. For at least two hours we sit there and talk about everything and  absolutely nothing. It's the dream date everyone wished they could go on. after tonight there is no question that I have fallen in love with my teacher all over again, and at the end of the night, he smiled because he knew.

A/N Hi! yay new chapter! So this was going to be a update a lot sooner but my computer crashed and it got deleted, so here it is now. Also thank you for commenting! but still, COMMENT, COMMENT, COMMENT! I'M BEGGING YOU! okay no more cap lock, Yay Ziall! Niall loves Zayn again, and cute little Larry bits. I am going to try and update twice tomorrow, but it just depends on if I have time, so... Thanks for reading!

Our love (Ziall, Larry Underage)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu