Who Is That?

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~Zayn's pov~

I wake up to Louis and Harry giggling in the next room over. They really should keep it down, they might wake Niall and he looks so cute and innocent. I feel him stir and his grip around my waste gets tighter. I look to see what time is and see that that we have only twenty minutes until we need to be at school.

"Niall love, you need to get up" I say trying to wake him

"Five more minutes" he mumbles

"Fine, but no kisses for you then this morning." I say knowing that will get him up.

"Okay, okay! I'm up just kiss me please!" Niall says jumping out of bed.

I kiss him quickly then rush to find and clothes of his that are teacher appropriate. None of then are so I dare to go knock on Louis door.

"Be there in a second!" Lou yells through the door. "Hi Zayn! How can I help you?" Louis asks

"Um do you have any shirts I can borrow?" I say noticing the 10 to 20 love bites on his neck.

"Sure! What color?" He asks happily.

"Black please'' I say trying not to laugh at all the scratches on his back.

"Here you go!" He says closing the door on me.

I quickly put the shirt on, (almost to small on me) and the pants and shoes I had on last night. I walk down stairs and see that Niall is ready also.

"Okay let's go!" I say grabbing my car keys.

"Wait! What about Harry?" Niall says once we get in the car.

"Something tells me love, that Harry won't be doing a lot of walking to day.'' I say trying not to physically say that his ex best friend and brother are having more then one round at each other. I see something flash in his eyes then he makes a grossed out looking face. He must know what I'm meant.

*skip to right before IS class*

I'm running late thanks to Louis shirt buttons splitting open durning lunch so I had to run home. By the time I get get back to school, I'm running late and my class is about to start without me. I make it in time right before the bell rings. I notice that Niall is talking to Mr. Divine, or shamelessly flirting more like. I have to stop them. Niall is mine, only mine.

"Alright everyone to your seats right now!" I say a little more forceful then I meant.

My students all go to there seats except for Josh who is in Harry's seat, next to Niall.

"Mr. Divine! In your seat right now!" I almost yell

He moves and I look to Niall and he is glaring at me. Great something to look ford to after class.

~Niall's pov~

How dare Zayn! I was just talking to Josh. I swear I'm going to give him a piece of my mind.

"Ni, Niall come on, school's over." Liam says

"Oh! Bye Li, see you tomorrow!" I say walking out

"What! Mr. Horan, I need to talk to you.'' Oh hell he will

Once everyone is gone Zayn comes to sit in Harry's desk.

"Ni, I'm sorry! I just got jealous and I mean Niall I'm so sorry! Please forgive me." Zayn begs

"Fine but just this once. And never do that again or else we can't be together, okay? I have friends, and Josh was there for me when you weren't! They all were! Josh, Liam, Ashton, Andy, for fucks sake even Harry was there for me! You left!" I say crying

"Niall I'm sorry. Please forgive me, please?" Zayn says also crying

I pull him close and kiss him."I forgive you" I whisper

"D-do y-yo-you sti-still love m-me? He whimpers

"Of course I do. I love so much Zaynie! I will always love you.'' I say honestly

"I love you Nialler, so much''

A/N Hi guys! So ziall drama then they made up! Yay! Also larry sex! Please Comment! Know one commented last chapter, so please comment! I have the next chapter ready, but how about three comments then the new chapter? Also thanks for all the reads and votes! One more thing, COMMENT! Ok, bye ;)

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