The Accident

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A/N Hi guys, so I am righting this because I probably wont be putting one up tomorrow. This chapter was inspired by the book 'if i stay'. If you haven't read this book, then you need to, it's amazing. Anyway it might be a little depressing with the whole car crash thing. I'm just going to start writing.

~Niall's pov~



"Lou! Niall please answer me!"

"Please just be okay"

Where is that coming from? Why is everything so dark? The crash. Am I dead?

"Niall! Louis! Please! What happened? Are you okay?' A voice that sounds a lot like Harry says. I wish I knew the answers to what he was asking, where is my brother? I just want to open my eyes, I don't want to see this state of darkness anymore. I hear sirens, I want to move, I need to know if Louis is okay. Why cant I move, speak, open my eyes? Could I be dead?

"He's alive!" I hear someone near my scream. How I hope that they are talking about Louis instead of me.

I feel people try to get me into a ambulance. I don't feel pain though, just their hushed and rushed speaking. After what feels like hours of darkness I start to see a bright light. Is this the end? I haven't heard anyone talk in a while. Sadly though I hear shushing and quiet cheers coming from around me. I start to make out different shapes and figures around me. Doctors, nurses, Liam, Josh, Ashton, Andy, Harry and Zayn. No Louis though. Please of let Louis live, without him I want to die.

"Niall! Thank god your okay! Well not okay but you know alive." Andy says

"Niall thank god!" Ashton says

"Niall I thought that you were gone!' Liam says

"Good to see you back Niall," Josh says

Zayn and Harry are the real people I want to hear from but they don't say anything. Harry looks like his thoughts are in a different place and Zayn has a look of pure joy on his face while he is crying.

"Mr. Tomlinson Horan I have some things to tell you, they are personal so you might want your friends to leave." A very familiar girl says. Ashton, Liam, Andy and Josh leaving only Harry, Zayn and I in the room.

"Well first off you have lost your voice but that is only temporary and should be better soon, next almost your whole body was broken. Both you legs, your collar bone, your wrist were completely shattered but we were able to fix them the best we can, you broke your vertebrae, cracked your skull and to top it all of, you broke a record here at the hospital for braking the most ribs every 19 out of 24 of them were broke. It's amazing that you are alive and well Mr. Tomlinson Horan."

"Doniya, just call him Niall when it's just you in here." Zayn says walking up to his sister. No wonder i thought I knew her, I do.

I grab the marker and whiteboard they layed out for me to write my answer out to them.

"That's great in all that I'm okay, but I don't care. Just tell me where my brother is please" I write out then show them to read.

"Niall, your brother was lucky and was not hit directly on by the semi, however Louis flew out of the car and landed on his head cracking his skull almost in two. When the paramedics found him, they thought he was dead. But after hours upon hours of surgery they have gotten him in a stable state. I hate to tell you this since you just woke up, but he is in coma. We hope that he wakes up soon, but it could be minutes or it could be months. Though in the condition you two were in you aren't leaving this hospital in time soon either. I wish you all the best Niall, but I have to go, a nurse will be in here soon to check on you. Harry and Zayn are aloud to stay here but your friends have already been asked to leave, I would advise you to get some sleep soon though. I will see you tomorrow." Doniya says then leaves

"Niall, I'm so sorry. I'm happy that you are okay though, at least on the outside. How are you on the inside though?" Zayn asks while getting in the hospital bed with me.

"I don't know. I want to hate myself for letting Louis grab his phone while he was driving but then I'm just happy that we both lived." I write, Harry sees this and starts to cry even harder then he already was.

"Harry, what's wrong? Why are you crying? Please don't cry, for me?" I show to him

"Ni, I was the one that called him! I was the one that caused all of this. Niall I could have killed you and Louis. I could have killed my best friend and my boyfriend. Thank god that the truck driver went away unscathed. What if any of you died? Nialler, it's all my fault." Harry says in between his sobs.

I want to so badly not believe it, but it's all true what Harry said. It's all his fault. But the thing is, I don't know if I am actually mad at him, or myself.

A/N Hi guys. So what do you think about the car crash? Was it really Harry's fault? With Louis every wake up? And most importantly, will Niall blame Harry, or will he blame himself? Please comment, i beg you please? just two or three comments then i promise I will try to get one more chapter out before I lose my wifi for the rest of the weekend. Hope you liked the chapter!

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