Meeting The Malik Sisters

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A/N Hi! this is a really short filter chapter that I wrote in like a hour, so no hate if it is bad. I just wanted to have something for you guys tonight, so here you go!

~Niall's pov~

Zayn wont to stop crying. I have to practically drag him to his car and the he wouldn't let go when I tried to put him in the car. And he is supposed be the older and more mature one! Oh who am I kidding, I love this side of Zayn. The emotional and raw side, I side I have fallen in love with these past few days. The real Zayn, not the tough guy act he tries to put on.

"Zayn, do you want to go to my place?" He shakes his head no, "Or maybe I could finally see where you live?" With that he smiles and nods quickly. "Okay, put you have to drive, do you think you are okay to? I ask trying my best to be carful with his feelings

"I'm okay Ni, I can drive" He says not very convincingly

Zayn starts driving in the same direction to my house, but then we turn onto a different road. We go down this little dirt road that if you weren't looking for, you would never see and drive all the way down until we get to a mansion that's at least three stories tall.

"Is this your house?" I ask in ah

"Yeah, well mine and my three sisters." Zayn says almost embarrassed

"How? I mean no offence but teaches do not make that much money." I say still amazed with the house.

"My parents are both plastic surgeon's, and my older sister who is a year older then me is a Trauma Doctor, my 26 year old sister is a Dentist and my youngest sister who is 22 is studying to become a Lawyer. I am kind of a disappoint to my family when it comes to making money." Zayn says with a sadness tone in his voice.

"You know no matter how much money you make a year, I will always love you right?" I say trying to make him feel better.

"Yeah Nialler, I know" He says smiling at me. "Doniya? Wahilya? Safaa? Are you guys here? I brought someone I want you to meet." Zayn calls out to what must be his sisters.

Three girls that look impeccably like Zayn come walking into the front hall.

"Zayn! is this the boy you have been talking about so much lately?" Wahilya I think says.

"Aw Wahilya you made him blush!" Safaa again I think says.

"Oh your so cute!" The oldest, Doniya says.

"Stop that right now you three! He's my boyfriend, not yours!" Zayn says bickering with his sisters.

He looks so different like this, so right here. I think I could get to this new Zayn.

"Ni, I want you to meet me three sisters," Zayn says after a few more minutes of them all talking at once. "Doniya, the oldest, Wahilya my little sister and Safaa the baby of us four." He says while I shake hands and hug in Safaa's case.

"It's nice to meet you all!" I say

"They know how old you are Ni" Zayn whispers in my ear.

"Well, we should be leaving you two to do what ever you do." Safaa says

A chores of goodbyes are said between the five of us and one "use protection' from one while the other to giggle and Zayn growls.

I look down to see that Zayn has a little (or big) problem in his lower region. I guess I wont be getting a tour of the house today then. He grabs my arm and pulls my up to the stairs and down the hall until we get the last door in the hall, Zayn's room. As we inter I see that his room is everything you would imagine it to be. With the giant bed in the center of the room, that is black with various shades of grey pillows, to the walls that are painted charcoal with black and white pictures of what must the rest of his family scatter the walls, along with beautiful paintings that show a another side of Zayn I haven't even said before. He even has a picture of us from our first date in black and white on his night stand. His room is just perfect.

"Um Niall I could use some help here!' Zayn calls from the bed

"I'm coming! don't rush me fool!" I say jokingly

As I make my way to the bed, he pulls me down and gets on top of me. We kiss for a long time before he pulls away.

"Ready Ni?" he asks then just thrusts in without waiting for my answer.

"Where's your protection?" I ask making him mad

"Really nialler, right now?"

"Well I was just asking!" I snap

"Are we arguing while we have sex?" Zayn asks laughing

"Yeah I guess we are." I say trying to have a strait face

"Love you Ni" Zayn whispers then kisses me

"Love you too" I reply

A/N Hi! Yay Ziall sex! anyways since this was pretty short, sorry! Anyways, yay ziall and Niall got to meet Zayn's sisters! There will be more Larry in the next chapter bye the way, so again, Yay Ziall sex! ;D

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