Louis Comes Home

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A/N hi! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I went to my cousins house for the weekend and she has no wifi! So finally, I'm back! Expect one more update tonight also!

~Niall's pov~

I wake up to my phone going off across the room. It plays 'believe' by Justin Bieber so I know it's Louis calling. I have to untangle myself from Zayn, but then I am able to reach my phone.

"Hi Niall!" Louis says, not even knowing what I have been through in these last three weeks.

"Hi, Lou" I reply quietly trying not to wake Zayn.

"Ni, I am on my way home now, so please make you and your friend decent. I would love to meet him!" Louis happily says

"Lou my friend is not here with me today, and how long will you be?" I ask hoping I have time to clean and have Zayn leave.

"Um, four hours until my plane lands and one to drive home, so five hours."

"Ok, Lou. I gotta go, are you soon, bye!''

I walk over to where Zayn is sleeping and I tackle him to the floor. He barely even wakes up by this, then I kiss him softly.

"Morning love" He mumbles in his sexy morning voice

"Good morning!" I shout in his ear

"Not so loud Niall! I swear I'm going death!" Zayn yells upset with me

"I'm sorry, please don't leave" I fake whimper out trying to sound sad.

"No! No Niall I'm not ever going to leave you! I swear I won't! Wait you were just playing with me! I thought you were truly sad! Don't do that Niall!''

"I'm sorry, but you should have seen you face!" I say while cracking up "oh and you need to pack up your things and go, Louis is on his way home.''

"Well, can I at least get a kiss good bye?" Zayn asks slowly

I peck his lips then tell he to leave. Zayn growls at me, but heads out the door anyways.

"See you tomorrow at school love!" Zayn shouts from his car

"Bye Zaynie!" I shout back

Time to start cleaning! I start with the living room then all the way up to my room, even cleaning the inside so if Louis looks in side it will be spotless. I know I have to clean the kitchen and pick up the knife, but I don't know if I am able too. I guess Louis can just yell at me for that one.

By 4:00 I am done and I go up to my room to change. I have to try all my clothes but they are all to baggy on me. I look in the mirror and see that you can count every single one of my ribs. The jut out along with my collarbones and hipbones. I look disgusting, but I haven't eaten anything since Harry's party so I guess it's understandable. I go with sweats and the tightest shirt I could find. Sadly, it was still really baggy on me.

All I have now to do is wait.

~Louis' pov~


I finally get off the plane and see the most beautiful boy I have ever seen. He has chocolate brown curls, big green eyes and a big crooked smile that was so pretty, yet it looked sad. I walk over to him and sit next to him.

"Hi! My name is Louis" I say brightly

"Hi, I'm Harry" he says slowly in a sad sounding a little sad.

"Harry huh? what a pretty name. Why are you so sad? Someone so pretty should never look so sad." I say trying to cheer Harry up. Which I do thank you.

Our love (Ziall, Larry Underage)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon